Minutes 1936-10-21 127
Arroyo GY~ande~ ~alifornia
october 7, 1936
Cit~y Cotxne~il met in regular session arith ~ayor A. C4nrad
On roll ca11 CounEilmen Canrad~ Gibson, Phillips~ Schnyder
and Whitlark reported present. Abserrt nane.
~Iinutes of the previous meeting read and approved ~s read.
Communications read and ordered placed on fil~.
Committee on Streets ~nd Tor~n Lsnds reported that they ~rere
~ expecting a bid oa the City property f~on~,ing on Traf''Ffc Way
~.cress ~om gresent Rich~'i eld Service Statf on. Sub j ect o~ the
sale vRlue of the property ~ras considered and after some dis-
eussian a tentati~e price of $I.300. rras agre~ci upon b3r the Coummcil.
P~rmission r~as granted the Arroyo Grande Valley Holdin~ Corp.
to use City Ha].1 f
or a stockholders meeting T~esde~r O~t 2~th.
Bills againat the General Fund in the amount of $935.84 and the
~ater Ftzn~d in the smount of $571.~2 arere audited approved and "
~ order~d paid.
Chief oP Police l~orton was instrueted to enf'orce Qrdinance
#4~'in regard to one 0'eloek closing of dances.
~ ~ No Ft~rther b~siness appearing ~d upon motion the meeting was ~
ad j ourned
, M~ city erl~
Arroyo Grande, Californi~
OEtober 21, 19~6
City Council met in regular session with Mayor W. A. Conrad
On roll call Couneilmen Conrad~ Gibson and Whi~loek reported
presenL. Couneilmen Phillips and Sehnyder abs~nt.
Idiinutes of previous meeting read and apprnved as read.
Coavmunications read and ordered plaeed on file,
Claims apainst the General Ftit#~d in the Amc~unt of $ 222.39
were audited ~pprove~ and ordered paid.
Subje~t of delinquen~ water bill against H. 0. Stevenson
prop~rt~,y ~cas discussed and Baard ruled that it wa~s a lien K•
og sa:id property and must be paid.
Couneilman Whitloek delegated as a Committee of one td
intervier~ ~+Zr. Brown and BQr. Spurlock regardir~g purehase
and installation of a water line to eatend to their ranches.
No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was
7~' b~~-c~u2~.r.~
~ ~dayor Ci~ Clerk ~