Minutes 1936-11-04 MP~ 128 ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, C~lifornia a. Ivovember 4, 1936 City Council met in regular session with ~or `r~T. Conrad " presiding. Upon roll eall Councilmen Conrad~ Gibson~ Gfiillips~ S~hnyder and `~VYiitlock reported present. Absent none. t~:inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. No commiznieations. Councilman Whitloek repo.•ted that he had not been able to contact all parties interested i~n extension oY water line and subject held over until negt meetir~g. Claims against the General rund in the 9umount of $ 6~2•74 and the ~~ater Fund in the amount of $~Z4.43 were audited gpproved and ora~ered paid. ' Several members of the local danee eo~nittee were present and after much discussion regarding the noises outside and after the dance ~r. Clevenger asked for a chance to furnish his own police protection and see if he could not quiet it down to the satisfaction. of all concerned. Couneilma.n Schnyder at this time asked to have the duties of the loeal police regarding night work explained. ~ioved~seconded and carried that the dance eommittee be granted peru~ission to continue their dances until two A. up to Dec. 1~, ~936. At that time unless a marked improvement is ~hown all dances will close at one AL~. ~ ~s. Stewarts request for a lower water rate refused by ~ Couneil. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting ~ was adjourned• ~ . ~ , ~~i~-.~ o !x ~r ,t Mayor C~ ity Clerk t~rroyo Grande~ California November 18, 1936 City Council met in regular session with l~ayor `;N. A. eonraa presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Conrad~ Gibson, Phillips~ and Whitlock reported present. Cauncilman Sehnyd.er absen~. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Communieations read and ordered placed on file. N;r. ~rown and Mr. Spurloek appeared to request the extension oP water main to their plaees. Both agreed to sign up for two con- neetions for one year. I~oved ~ seconded and carried that City furnish and lay water line tn Mr. Spurlock~s seEOnd place. Several of the ~others of the local school ehildren a~ppeared to ask that Poliee Chief Norton be replaced at the sthool crossing to aid the sma~3:' children going to a.nd From sehool. i~fter mueh discussion the Council agreed to replace officer Nortvn at Bpecifiec~ hours of from 8:30 to 9 A. A~.; 12 to 1 P. M• and 2 to 3 P• Said replacement ~o continue until first meetin.g in ~ec. at which time ~chool trustees are to meet with City Couneil. h~r. Dohi, representing the Japanese :'Velfare Association~ appear ed before t~e Board to ask that Leedham Laa~e ~e widened. City CTerk appointed as a committee of one to eontact bqr. Evans regarding purcha.se of a strip of land I~ e~~ beforec the Bo~r~d toLask ~ th~t E. D. ~tte~rart appeared app old v~Jater bill again~st his property be caneelled in view of the faet that he was ~ever noti£ied that bill was accumulating. , IVioved~ seconded and earried that water bill against ~Ir. StEwart's property be caneelled. ~ioved~ seconded and earried that.~ity Clerk clear the tax re~:ords in ~egard to delinquent taxes affecting Lots 24~ 25 and 26 Block 11 ~Nestern Acidition, in view of the fact that ov~rner has paid re~eipt which never had been eleared f'rom the books. &loved~ seconded and eatrried that Ass't `ldater S~p't salary be ~~set at $Z25•~0 ~per molnth. b~o~ed sec~n~~ aneremorl~~ ~5~~~ ~or~~ioaed and.'Street Su ts sa ar~~~IIed~~ease ~ • PP as in past. ~ City Clerk . ~or . - , , _