Minutes 1937-02-03 131 ~~rroyo Grande ~ California ~anuary 20 ~ 1937 City!~Council met in regular sess~,on and in the absen~e of i~~ayor Conrad~ meeting was called to order by City Clerk R. B. ~dineau Upon roll call Councilmen Gibson, Sehnyder and `~Uhitlo~k reported present. I~ayor Conrad and Couneilm~a.*~ Phillips absent. ia,oved by Councilman '~Jhitlock~ seconded~-by Councilman vehnyder~ motion carried~ that Councilman Gibson be appointed ~ ~ ~.etin~g MayoP for the meeting. Niinutes of the previous meeting read and approved as read. ~Ir. L. aVebb ~oore appeared before the Board to ask that the City records be ele.ared of all questionable d~linquent City Taxes up to a specified date. .yfter some discussion and upon motian by Councilman Schnyder~ ~rhiEh•:~r~s'-~,se~onded~: b~,:Cdnnei3m~ ' ~h#.t~:ae~;:3- ai~r~d~xi~}~eS~., ~~:~yr. ,ta3ces~ ; Excepting public improvement ~ ~.~e~e$sm~la~e~ ~~~a~:~~q ~l~d~: ~nc~nd~~}~~hsr~:Fi ~n~.i'.ge~s 1g32-33 wer~ ~ ~~e~~aire~IIgnceled by the follo~ting vote. ~E~'.'~~Co~~~~m~n~:r°!~bsnn~:.Sahn~r~:~~~ ari~i'.'~YT~it~.oek. NOES: None ~ ABSENT: Mayor Conrad and Councilman Phillips. T~e foregoing motion based upon the fact that certain irregularities ' ~in the records make it impossible to ascertain which t~xes have ~'been paid and ~xhich have not been paid. ' Petition of the Pismo Theater for a reduction in City Lieense fee was denied. t~Ioved~ seconded and earried that Tv:unieipal Licenses ~€os. 1423 1425~ 1433 and 1510 be canceled due tm the fact that they were levied upon businesses which had ceased to operate. ~o further business a~pearing and upon motion t~he meeting was adjourned. , • ~ ~ ia r City Clerk yrroyo Grande~ CaTifornia r'ebruary 3, 1937 City Couneil met in regular session and iM the absenee of i~;ayor Conrad, the ~Aeeting avas called to order by City Cl.erk R, B. ~ineau. Upon roll call Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips and Schnyder reported present. l~~ayor Conrad and Councilman ~~Jhitlock absent. Upon motion by Councilman Phillips which was seconded by Cou.ncil~~an Sehnyder, ~aotion carried~ Councilman Gibson was appointed acting Nlayor until such timB as Nayor Conrad shall be able to attend the meetings. Tilinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Constable E. F. Pearl and ~udge J. L. ','~ebb A+ioore appeared before the Board to su~gest the passing of an Ordinance to regulate the conduct of places handling junk or second hand materials. Subjeet refered to City Attorney to be acted upan at the next meeting. N;r. T. A. Robinson apFeared before the Council to contest an l ~ oId water bill as being unjust and in error. yf`ter due c~eliberation and upon motion which was regul•-sly moved and se~cor~ded~ :.mo~.i.on carriect, ~ir. Robinson's bill of $14~22 was ordered reduced to ~7.50. Claims against the General F'und irl the amount of $ 660.21 and . the '~~Vater rund in the amount of $549.10 were audited~ approved and prdesed paid. +aater superintendent ordered to increase water bill at Clevenger Hall from ~1.50 monthly to ~2.OG monthly, effective Jan. 20, 1937 No further business appearing anci upon motion the meetrang waa a~journed. . ; , . • ~ <<ayor City Clerk ~ ~