Minutes 1937-04-21 T~~6 ?P y ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, California Q°' :~pril 21, 1937 City Council ~aet in re~ular• ses~ior~ v~itt~ ::ctin€, E.:ayo~ u. S. Gibson in 1;he ch~ir. ~ tipon roll call Couneilmen Gi~son, Phillips~ Sehnyder and 'J~hitlock reorted ~resent. :~bsent l~iayor C'onrad. ~~inutes of previous raeetin~ reaa and ~.p~ro~red as read. Communications read ana dis~osed oi~. . Claims a~ainst th~ General Fund in the ar.~ount of ~ 38.20 and the i~ater Fund in the amount of $1b.OC ~~rere audited a~~~ravea and. ordered paid. ~4:r. Horner ap~~area before the Board to have certain sections of Grdinance ~;6, _a~ Ordina.nce ai.`'fect;r~ junk and seeond hand dealers ~ explair~ed tr~ his satist'action. I~~7o~red s~condEd and carried that ~~:iunicip:~l i.icenses ~Tos. 160I, 161~~ 1708~ 1712 and 1?31 b~ canc~le~ due to the fact that they were levied upon ~usinesse~ which haci ceased to operate. Subject of erectin~ a P'ence a.t R:enny's serviee station carried over until next meetix~~. • ~?o furti.er• busir~ess a~r-earin~; anu u~:~or~ r~,otion t~~e rn@et~ ~rva~ aci~ourned. ` t~ TZ'EST : ~ , ~ City Clerk ~ayor Arroyo Grande, Calif`ornia ~~laY 5 ~ 1937 City Council met in regular sess~on ~vith ~"~ctir~ P.iayor J. S. Gibson in the chair. ~~pori roll call Councilmen Gibson, Phillips, Schnyder and ~.~V~zitloclc re~orted present. R~ayor Conrad ~bsent. ~.~'inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Corrununic~tions rea~ and di~gose~. o£. RE~OLUTION 74 RESOLUTION AUT~iQ~ILTI~TG EXE(;UTION OF b~Eh~ORANDUI~ OF t~GREEME.NT FOR THE EXFENDITtk'~E OF TH~ FOR ST?~TE FiIGH`~f~iYS AIL'D l~PPROVING S~iME. Passed and a~opt.~d by the i o~.1o~~rin~Y vote: ~YES : Councilmen~ Gibson, Phillips, Sehnyder and '~dhitloek. I~TO~S : I~'one ABSEl~'T: i::ayor Conrad. " i:Ioved by Couneilr~an Schnyder, seconded by Councilr=ian 'aNhitlock, n~otion carx~ied unanimously, that the one o'clock elosing ordinan~e ~overning dances Yield in the City of Arroyo Grand~ be ri~idly enforced. `iY~is enforc eir.~nt to begin immediately. ~~.reet superintendent instrueted to notify ~ro~erty ovvners hav~ng weeas upan their premises th~t they must be cleaned by ~~turday i.'iay 1~, or same ~ill be c~one by the City and cost char~,ed against the ~r op er ty . I.~oved seeond~d and carried. that if ~'ir. ~ienny -~~~ill ~~rnisYi materials Gity wi13. erect a fence acros~ entrance leadin~* from Valley Road to his store, it havino been decided tt,~t tn~ use of this entrance as a vublic thoroughfare is a menace to the sa~ety of the motoz~ing public ~~equest of I.:rs. lurley lor a street light denied upon the ~;Yrounds that at the pres~t time th~ locality is too thinly pop- ulated to vrarrant the expense. City property ~'acin~; on Leedham Lan~ offereci for sale and open for bids. • Claims against the General rund in the amo~ar~t of $ 711.12 and the ~~ater Fund in the amount of $1C20.b1 were auditec~~ approved and oraered paid. $ub j eet of' Insuran~ e on ~l'reasurer' s ~ecurities carri ed over . No further tausines~ ap~earing and upon motion the meetin~ vras aci~ourned. ~ . Ci Clerk y ...ayor