Minutes 1937-06-10 ~ ~S Ar~oyo Grande, Ca~ifornia C1'j June 1~, 1937 a; ~ =C#ty Caux~cil met ~in r..egula~ e~e~s3cra~ w~~th arcting lda~yor J. Gtbson in ~h~ .~1aa~t _ , _ . Upon roll ~a~l: ~~uaeil~o~a Gib~cn~'~ ~IigZli~+e, SFc~rd.~z~ ~ ~100~ reported p~esen~. Cbi~eil~mari ~:~3ei~k a~~+~trC:: . _ . ~inutes of- gri~rio~s ur~~ting read a~id ~pro~rI gs r~ad. Comnn~~~atiic~ns re~d and_ ~~spcse~"oP.~o ci~~ .~~~nyder ao~inated J: Qi~ison for~ t~~ ai"~~e oF ~y^or~. Nc~~sti~on~ ~~o~rrded':by Couri~ilms~rl. PIi~llips.: Ther~ beirig no~ further riomiriatibne Counci],man Gibaon ~a ela~t.ed b~ L~e ~l~.a~~g ~r~o~e _ on r~ll -call. ~s C~~Ia~, P~~li~s ~ S~~der and ~tood. _ _ I~oea s None - ABSEIQ'~': Eouncils~a ~'hitloe~ ~SOL~ITIC38` ~~i lt RESOLtITIOH FE~dITTI~ THE ~OtII9TY C1F SAN . LUSS OBISPO THE1 USE OI=' ~tT~SI~ I~SI~lkT~II~ STR~ET:T FQF~ TI~E P~RPf?'~S ~l~ ~f~1+~G ll1fD . N ~•~7~4 ~~e'~RIC:lii7<i A7ffSCi~ . . . . _ . . . _ . t . Passed an~ a~opted by~ 'the~ P~ollc~rf~ng ~rot~: 1~Y~: s Co~i l~~ ~ Gfbson ~ PSt llips ~ Sehtt~yc~rs and l~ovd. ~QEfi: l~o~a, ABS~: C c>tu~~i lm~a ~~Iocl:. _~ovact~ e~ea~d axu~ unan~f.mously carr~e8 t~t Ci'~y~ CI~!'k l~e permitted to _ elear the recarda ot deli~rgnrent ta~ce"s anc~ s~ses~m~nts againat the old St,ridkI.~r prvP~' 'in af~rr :of the P~+~ct t~i~t ~m, E. ~11, to whom t~ie prop~y nrnr bel4i~si he~s the carrcei~ ~cchcx f set~~d in paymen~ ot' earme by hf s f~r~ther. . . : ~o~rerl: ee~onde~E an y , d_~~imau~ly ear~i~d °'~at Ci ty Cl~rk ce~ne~l D~xe3gnie~ l~~~s~#~1?3~ ~ 2$2~' as they~ ~e erroaconsly ieg#t~l. ~~~~1 Fund ir~ the a~n~znt af ~~6. E7~ wtr~ auc~ited _ . ~r~d sEnd orc~~re~~ paic~. . , ~ ~FP~' _ City Atta~y _i~t,r~ucted to .draw moratoriai~ ' , Ordiriar~~ t'oa~ ~~e. comiiag year. _ _ _ _ hTo f'Lirther busines appearing a~nd upaa motion ~he meet3~ wes s~djourned. AT'~`~.S'~ •