Minutes 1937-07-07 ~ 13'9 Arroyo Grande~ California v Ll~ ~ f 193? City C~uncil met i~ regular session with Bdayor J. S. ~ibson in tihe ehair. Upo~ rall -call Councilmen Gibson~ Se~iny~ier, Whitiock and Wood reported preseat. ~bsent Councilman PY~llips. B~inutes of previous meetir~g read and approved as read. Communications read and dispo~ed oP. _ 4rdinan~e #-58 read ~or the first time to be re-read at the next regular me~~•ing. CTaims ~gainst the General Fund ia the amount ot $ 731.40 and the '~ater !'ttnd i~2 the amount~ of $ 365.21 were audited~ appro~red and ordered paid. No Purther busineas appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourneg. . , / ' ~1 ' , . ,~.TTEST s • City ler~c _ _ ~yor Arroyo Grande~ California ~ ~uly 21~ 1937 • City Cou~cil met in regular session with &iayor J. S. Gibson ~n the chair. Upon r~~l t+i~ll Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips, Schn~yder, ~~hitlock and ~1oad r+~orted present. ~bsent None. ~inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Communications read and disposed o~. , ~Ir. Easton aiid:.:~ir..::~E~sler of the Santa ~aria Gas Co. appeared before the Board. to explain the 1937 r^ranehise Tax Act as passed at the last session of the Legislatu~ and also to ask that they be permitted to present an ~pplication for a ne~ rranehise to replace egisting one which expires on ~ugust 32th. 1937 ORDINAN'CE # 58 A~N ORDINANCE AMENDING ~ECTION 1~ OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLEDs "~,N ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TEMPORARY RE~ISSION OF PENALTIES~~" INTEREST AND EOSTa UPO~f THE REDEMPTION OF PROPERTY 50LD FOR DELII~UE~NT TAXEa~ DE~LAI~ING THE URGENC~ OF THIS ORDINANCE AATD PRO~IDIhTG THAT IT SHALL TAKE EFFE~T UPO1V' FII~TAL ADOPTIOffi" ~ PI~SSID AND ADOPTED 02~ THE 16th DAY OF DE~E~lBER 1936. The Ordinance was read by the Clerk~ and upon motfon, which was ' seconded and earr~6ed „ was adopted by the following vote: AYESs Councilmen Gibson, Phillipa~ Sehr~yder, ~Yhitloek and Wood. NOESs None. ABSENT: None. The Ordina.nce was then and there signed by the Mayor and attested ~he Clerk of the City and ordered printed and published in the Herald Recorder. Councilman ~Nood appointed to fill vacancies on various eommittees eaused by the appoi~tment of Councilman Gibson to the office oP B~ayor. ~".oved~ seconded and unanimously carried that City purch$se supply ' of ~ipe ~'rom Henry Agueda. No fLtrther business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjo~t rned. . ~ ' ~iTTEST t ~ ~ City Clerk Ma r