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Minutes 1937-08-18 140 ~ ~oyo Grande ~ Cal iforni$ C~ ~ugust 4, 193T ~ City Cour~cil m~t in regular aes~sian wfth ~dayar J. S. Gibson ia the chair. Upc~1 roll eall Councilmen Gibeon~ PFiil7:ips ~ SChnyder ~ Whitloek and VYood reparted pr~~ent. Absent aane. r ~ir~~es of pre~riot~~ meeting read and ~pproved ~s read. Comm~nicat~ans read and disposed oP. B~oved~ seconded and unanim~usly carried that Water Superintend~nt p~rchase ~.DU s~a~crete m~ter bo~aes to replace the wooden onea now in use. Cla~ agginst the General Fund in the :a~n~unt cf $5~3•32 g~ ~h~ Watrr Fund in the emount oP $649.91 were audited~ ~pproved and ordered paid: ~it~ ~l~rk ~ubmi.t~ed~bid~ of::~. E: Phoen~z.. in th~:wsr~t-~i~:;~s2~C@,~0~ ~or Lo~~~~ntin~ on Leedham Lane. Upon motion whieh was regularly ~e~roridsdc:and.:>unani~~s~~~srried the Boarc~ agraes to ~ecepL the bid and refer the matter to the City ~ttorney fo~ further handling. R'o £urther lxrsine~ appearing and upon motion the meeting was ad j bur~e~i: _.~..~~.r........~.. _ . ~..w~.,.._._..._._:. , . . . 1._. . R. J, ^ ATTESTt 'l~. C~.~y ; ~ayor . Arroyo Grande~ Califormia .~ugust~~~8, 1937 City Council met in regular session with Mayor J. S. Gibson in the ehair. ~ Upon roll call Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips, 'Nhitlock and ~food reported present. Couneilman Sehr~yder absent. l~inutes of previot~s meeting read and approved as re3d. ' Communications read and ordered placed on file. RESOLU~rzo~v # 76 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OEF CITY O~~JNEII PROPERTY F'RONTING OI~t LEEDHAI~ LANE AhTD DIRECTI1~iG THE b~YOR TO E~E~UTE AND DELIVER DEED TO SAME. Passed and adopted by the Following votes AYES: Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips~ 'Nhitlock and 'Nood. NOES: None ~BSEI~TT: Councilman Sch~yder. Having ad~ourned as a Board of Equalizati-on~ and upon motion which was properly aeconded and unanimously carried, the Tax Rate for the ~urrent year was set as follows: General Fund ~1.00. Sewer Bor~ci F~nd .30¢ . Bridge Bond Fvnd .24¢ . WaterX~ Fund .10~, making a total rate of $1.60 oa each $Z~O. of valuation. Clafm against the `~Nater Fund in the amount of $16.17 was audited, a~pproved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meetir~g was adjourned. ~TTEST : ~l/~. , i ty Clerk ~ - ~ayor