Minutes 1937-09-01 141
Arroyo Brande~ C~liP.
September 1, 193?
City Council met in regular s~sion with ~eyar J. S. Gibson-
in the ehai~.
Upom roll call Councilmen Gibson~.Phillips~ Schnyder and
`Nood reported preBen~. Absent Councilmarr W~i~.och. ~
B~inutes of pr~viot~s meeting read and appr~v~t~ asl;~e~~?ecte~.
Communieations r~ad and disposed of~ including eop~r of an
order of the Board of Super.vie~r~ stating t2Yat in the future~
for each City prisoner held ia the County Jail, there will be
a charge ma.de to the City oP 50¢ per day.
Subje~t of delinquent wat~r customers discussed at some length
and in view of the Pact that they are quite nnmerous~ Superinten-
dent Ewin~ instructed to mo~*e ~~igidly enfor~e the provfaion~ of
Ordinanee gove~niz~g disconne~t~ng of delinquent customers.
1~oved, seconded and unanimQt~sly carried that City donate $2~.0~
to~rard the install~#.ion.aP Flood lights to be erected on the
H~gh School :~thletic Field.
Claims against the. GenQral Fun~i in the amotznt o~ $633.00 and
the ~`ater Fund in the ~mount of $561.j8 were a~dited~ approved and
ordered paid. ~
No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was
ATTESTs i Q. ~
C i ty C ler ~[ayo