Minutes 1937-11-03 Arroyo Grande, Calif. Cctober 20, 1g37 City Coun~il met in regular session with N:ayor S. Gibsofl in the chair. Upon roll call Councilmen Gibson, Phillips~ Schnyder~ V~hitlock and ~~~dood reported present. ~ bsent none. Nlinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Communications read and placed on file. RESOLUTION 77 A RESOLUTIOI~T DESIGR?ATII~TG T~-1E' BANK OF AR~RIC!~ ,~iRR0Y0 GRANDE PRA?`~CH, A5 TH~' BAr?K I1~? ."!'rTICH :~LL CITY b;OI~'IES BE DE~'OSITED. Clair~ against the General rund in the amount of ~33.~0 was audited~ approved and ordered paid. I`~o further business a~pearin~ and upon motion the meeting was adjourned ~:iTTEST : ° . ' City Cler D~ayo Arroyo Grande, California RTovember 3 ~ 1937 City Council met in regular session ~Ylt'Ll I~~ay~r S. Gibson in the chair. t:pon roll call Councilmen, Gibson, Phillips~ Schnyder~ a'Ihitlo~k and ~~Tood re~orted present. Absent l~one. Niinutes of previous meeting read and apx;roved as read. Communications read and ordered placed on file. T~ir. Easton and ~~:r. r'essler of the Sant~ i~~~aria Gas Co. appeared and made formal application to the City oF ~.rroyo Grande for a Gas rranchise pursuant to the ~'ranchise =~ct oi ;1937• Upon motion by Councilrnan Fhillips, ~vhich.; was seconded by Councilman ;Jood, RESOLUTIOI~' ;`~78 ~ a nesoluti on of the ~~ty of Arroyo Grande ~ declaring its intention to grant the Fas F~anchise applied for by the Santa T~~Iaria Gas Co., was adopted by the f~llo~rving vote. _~YES: Counc~lmen Gibson, Fhillips, Schr~yder, ~adhitlock and 'JJood. rrO~:S : None ~ .~$ENT: None; ~ ? Upon motion of Councilrnan Phillips, v~hich was seeonded by Councilman ';Jhitlock~ motion carried unanimously, to waive the reading of the afore mentioned l~esolution. P~r. Lord of the 101 Auto Camp appeared to ask permission of the Council to trim branches off of the trees borderin~ along the State ~ ~~i~h•~+ay next to his camp so th~t the moto'ring public would be more 3ble°~o'vie~x the court. He was referred to the State Hi~hway Comm- ission as the trees mentioned are on Sta te property. tU~oved by Councilman ~.dhitloek~ Se~onde~ b~~ Councilman ~~lood~ motion carried unanimously~ that City Clerk be ;~ermitted to eancel tax bill i~ 602 and issue another in its place to corre~t assessment of improvements from $~00. to ~120. the original assessment bein~ far in excess of the actual value. ' Bills against the Generai r'und in the amount of $g8~.05 and the '~later Fund in the amount of ~ 329.86 were audited, ~.pproved and ordered paid. ~To further busines~ appearin~~ and upon motion the meeting was adjour- ned. ~ ; ' ' ATT~ST: ~ --~1 r_______ Cit Clerk I~tayor