Minutes 1937-11-17
. ~
Arroyo Grande~ Californi.~ ~
r~ovember 17, 1937
City Council met in re~ular session ~vvith ~~:ayor S. Gibson
in th~ chair.
lipon roll call Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips~ Schnyder, ':Jhitlock
and '~Jood re~orted present. :~bsent• none. ~
Minutes of previous meeting re~d and approved as read.
Communications read and ordered placed on file.
~ The Townsend Club of -'~rroyo Grande, by a unanimous vote of the
Council~ were granted permission to use the City Hall for their
regular mee#.ings, which are held on the first and third Thursdays
of every month. The~ agree to pay the sum of two dollars ($2.00)
per moflth to offset the additional expense of lights and ~as.
It was sug€fest~d and unanimously agreed upon that the City
pay for no more extra police help, unless sar~e is specifically
authorized at a regular meeting of the City Council,
Clerk ir~strue~d to contact T~"x. Stussy and try and arrange for
a right of
way across his property, for the purpose of earin~ for
the flood water, that has £or the past z"'ew years flooded the hi~h-
way in the dip between Edmands corner and ~.'~:rs Guiartes place.
l~To furt'r~er business apnearing and upon motion tYie meeting
was adjourned.
r r t~ l/ / ~ r,~
a r I.~sT : G~
City Clerk l~ayor
_ ;
_ Arr oyo Grande, Cal i Pornia
~ December l, 1937
City Council met in regular session with I~~ayor S. Gibson
in the chair.
Upon roll eall Coun~ilmen Gibson, Phillips~ Schnyder~ '~;lhitlock
and `J~lood reported present. ~:bsent none.
14~Iinutes of previous meetin~; read and approved as read.
Communications read and ordered ~laced on file.
ORDINAI~'CE 59 , ar~ C~rdinarc e of the City oP =~rroyo Grande
Grantin~r Gas Frar~chise to t~ie Santa Iviaria Gas Co ~ras introduced
and upon motion ~y Councilman ':,lood, 2nd. by Council~:Philligs~
~7otion carried by a unani:nous vote~ the readin~ oF the Ordinance
other than the headin~ was waived. ,
Clai~~s aga.inst the General Fund in the amount af $ 1?97.97 and
the ~Jater r,und in the a~:ount of $324.~,7 were audited, ap~roved and
ordered paid. '
I~'o further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was '
adjourned. .
City Clerk ryiayor