Minutes 1937-12-01
. ~
A.rroyo Grande~ California ~
r~Tovember 17, 1937
City Council met in re~ular session ~vrith `~:ayor S. Gibson
in the chair.
lipon roll call Councilmen Gibson, Phillips~ Schnyder, '~Jhitlock
and `~Jood rePorted present. ~~bsent~ none. ~
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Communications read and ordered placed on file.
~'rhe Townsend Club of _'~rroyo Grande, by ~ unanimous vote of the
Council, were granted permission to use the City Hall for their
regular meetings, which are held on the first and third Thursdays
of every month. The~ agree to pay the sum of two doll~rs ($2.00}
per moMth to offset the additional expense of lights and ~as.
It was su~€*est~d and unanimously agreed upon that the City
pay £or no more extra police help, unless saMe is specifically
authorized at a regular meetir~ of the City Council,
Clerk ir,struc~d to contact Ty'x. Stussy and try and arrange for
a right of way across his property, for the purpose of earing for
the flood water~ that has for the past few years flooded the hi~h-
way in the ~ip between Edmands corner and ''.:rs Guiartes place.
l~To furt'r~er business apnearing and upon motion tt~e meeting
was adjourned.
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~~r~r~,s~: ~ ~
City Clerk T I~ayor
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_ Arr~ oyo Grande ~~al i fornia
~ December 1, 1937
Cit~ Council met in regular session v,rit~: I~layor 5. Gibson
in the chair.
Upon roll call Coun~ilmen Gibson, Phillips~ Schnyder, ~Jhitlock
and SVood reported present. ':bsent none.
~~.inutes of previous meetin~; read and approved as read.
Corru~unications read and ornered ~laced on file.
ORDINANCE 59 ~ ar Ordinanc e of the City oP ~rroyo Grande '
Granting Gas r'rar~chise to thE Santa Tu~aria Gas Co vras introduced
and upon motion ~y Councilman ':Jood~ 2nd. by Councilmari:Phillips~ •
T:~otion carried by a unanimous vote~ the readin~ of the Ordinance
other than the headin~ was waived. ;
Claims aga.inst the General Fund in the amount of $ 1~97.97 and
the "~Jater r,und in the ac:ount of $324.~,7 were audited, approved and
ordered paid.
I~To further business aptiearing• and upon motion the meeting was `
ad~ourned. . I,
~'~TTESTs U~.
City Clerk ~tiiayor