Minutes 1937-12-15 145 Arroyo Grande, California December 15~ 193? City Council met in regular session ~~vith I4layor J. S. Gibson in the ch~ir. lip~n roll call, Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips~ Sci~nyder~ 'r'Jhitloek and JJood ~ieported present . µ_bsent none. Pti~;lnutes of ~revious meetir:g read and approved a.s read. ORDINAl~?CE 59 AN ORVID:`AP~CE 0'r' T~-i~ CITY OF ~~KOYO Gi~.A.,rDE ~ GI~AI`:TIT~?G TO SAl~?TA Pti~~IA GAS CO1~iP.aA?Y, A CQF3i~ORa`I'ION, 'i'h~ RIGHT ~ PRIVILEGE AP?D r'RAI~TC:iISE TO B~AY t`~.I~~ USE PIPE~ AI~TD 'APPliR1ET?ANCES FOR ~i'~T~~:ITTIP~G AND DI~TRInUTING GAS FOR AA?Y .~ND ALL PURPO~E~ UI~~DER , ALONG ~ ACROSS GR UPOAT 'T'h'~~ PUBLIC STREETS ~'~JI~YS ~ .~LLr:'Y'S APvD FLACE,S ~ AS `I'i-~ S~~'IE ATOJ'1 OT~ r~iAY HFREAF~I'~;R `'~XIST ~ 'uJITFiII~t SA,ID MUNTCIP~iITY. :'~fter the re~ding of the heading of this Ordinance and upon motion by '~Jood~ 2nd. by Phillips, motion carried unan- imously~ the readin~ of the Balanee of the Ordinance was ' wa~ved. ~:otion by `~Thitlock, 2nd. by '~~/ood, the Ordinan~e was adopted by the follovring vote on roll call. ~YES: Couneilmen Gibson~ Phillips~ ~ehnyder~ '~Nhitloek and ~Jood. l~TOES : I~TOne ABSENT: None The Ordinance ~~vas then and there attested by the C:ity Clerk and ordered printed and publishecl in the Herald re- corder. NIR. Easton and ~r. Fes:~ler of Santa b-:aria Gas Co. v~rere present and accepted the Ordinance granting Gas Franchise and Eurnished Bond in the sum of ~1000.00 which was, upon motion by "ddood, 2nd. by Phillips, approved by the Board by a unanimous vote. l~r. Walter Ldmands appeared before the Eoard to enter a protest against the ditch v~hich the City recentlgZ du~ across the Stuss~ property~ upon the upon the ~rounds that they are canfining water, ~rhich has for years spread over a large area~ to a narrow diteh. After much discussion~ the matter was refered to City ~ttorney ~uaresma for ax~ opinian as to whether or not the City~ is in violation pP any rights. , ` Cornriunications read and ordered p1~.c~ed on file. ~r. Chas. Thelander of `~VaZier Franklin S~ed Co. appesred to ask that the City extend its present water line to service the old Routzahn place which B~r. ~Naller has recentlv z~ur- chased. He stated that if the City would i~~rni~h.~and,3~y . the pipe he would have the ditch dug and backfilled. ~oved, seconded and unanimously carried that City extend. water line from Spurlock place to Routzahn place~ a distanee oP approximately 1250 Peet and Water Superintendent in- strueted to order pipe. ~pplieation of Harold Beltz for water refered to Supt. Ewing to be reported on at next meeting. "~pplication of N:r. D¢a.tchan asking permission to erect a rock wall along his property, refused unless he excavate and place it upon the property line. Clerk gr anted permission to cancel City Lieenses Nos. 2011~ 2016 and 2022 as they were levied upon coneerns no longer in business. l~To further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ ATTEST : U ? ' ~J. _ ty Clerk ~ayor