Minutes 1938-01-05 ~4~ ~ r~ A~royo Grande, Ca~ifornia ~ anuary 5 7 19 38 . ,~i ~ . ~ . City Council ir.et in regular session •~rith :~;ayor S. Gibson in the chair. ~ Upon roll call Council~:.en Gibson Philli~s~ ~chnyder, ~ind :rhitlock reported present. AbsentCo~ancilman tidood. 14'iinutes of rrevious ~neeting read and ap~roved as read. :~:otion by Councilman Phillips, 2nd. by Councilman ':Jhitlock that application of Poyner Lumber Co. for building permit be i accepted. I~~otion carried by unanimous vote. ~~soLUT1oN # 79 ~ ' ~ l~e,splved that the City Council of the City of ~rroyo Gr~nde I hereby. accepts Right of ~Jay Deed from P~ike ~nd i~~ary Stussy, by ' the follo~~virg vote. ~ .YES: Councilmen Gibson, Phillips~ Schnyder and '~R~hitlock. ~ . I~'OES : None : ~BSENT : Counc i lman '~"~ood. Claims against the ~eneral r'und in the arnount of $ 957.72 ' and the 1later :~'und in the amount of $~R6.5~ ~J~re audited, 'approvea ar~d ordered paid. ~ RTO further business appear.ing and upon motion the nieeting u~ras ad~ourned. ~ ~ r i ~ ~ a~rT~.sT: ~ U Ci ;r Clerk ~ Niayar , _ ~I ' Ar~~oyo Grande~ California anuary l~ , 1938 City Council ~iet in regular session with I~iayor S. Gibson in the chair. ~poh roll call Councilr~ien Gibson~ Yhillips"~ ~,chnyder and '.vood r~ported present. Councilmar~ ;Jhitlock absent. I~~:inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. ° C'om~^~unications ~eaa ar,d ordered placed on fiZ'e. i4:otion by Schnyder, 2nd. by ~rood, motion carried unanimously that City purchase new 1q3~ Chevrolet ~ ton pic~k up from Briseo Juper Service at the prmce of' $~00.00 plus trade in oz~ 1932 ~hevrolet pick up which the City now owns. . ~~~:oved~ seconded and unanimously carriea~ that C`it;r Att~rney :'be instructed to start ~uiet `1"itle proceedings upon the old - T~owe property located on TrafFic '~lay across frorn the present . r~ichfield aervice 5tation~ and which the City novv owns by ' Tax 'i i tl e . . ryo further business appearing and upon motion the meetin~r ~vas ad~j ourned . , _ttest: City Clerk . P:'ayor