Minutes 1938-01-19 l, 46 ~ ~ A~royo Grande ~ CaI ifornia anuarY 5 ~ 19 38 ~ , City Council met in regular session vrith :v~ayor J. S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll call CouncilLlen Gibson Phillivs~ ~chnyder, ~ind ~rrhitlock reported present. /~bsentCo~ancilman '~Jood. iriinutes of Previous :neeting read and an~roved as read. :~:otion by Co~ancilman Phillips, 2nd. by Councilman ':'Jhitlock that application of Poyner Lumber Co. for building permit be aecepted. iu:otion carried by unanimous vote. R~SOLUTION # ~9 ~ ~ jrtes~olved that the City Council of the City of .~rroyo Grande hereby, accepts Right of '~Jay Deed from ~Gike and I~~ar,y Stu~sy, by the ~'olla~,ving vote. ~ '~.YES: Councilmen Gibson, Phillips, Schnyder and ~~~hitlock. ~ . I~TOES : I~'one :`~BSENT : Counci lman 'Nood. Clair:~s against the General r'unc'. in the ar~~ount of $~~7.7Z and the ~~ater `r'~nd in the amount of $ 5~6.5~ ~~~r~re audited~ approved ar~d ordered paid. ATO further business aprear.ir~~ and upon motiqn the ~ieeting w~s ad~; ourned. ' ~ ATTEST: U Ci y Clerk ~ Niayor " Ar~~oyo Grande, ~alifornia ~anuary l~~ 193~ City Council ;~let in regular session with T~:ayor S. Gibson in the chair. L'poh roll call Councilr~~en Gibson, Yhillips", ~.chnyder and ':alood r~ported present. Councilman :Jhitlock absent. T~~:inutes of previous meeting read and approvea as read. a, Com~unications read and or•dered placed on fil'e. I i~.otion by Schnyder~ 2nd. by ~~ood~ motion carried unanimously ~ that City purchase new 1938 Chevrolet ~ ton pic~k up fram Briseo 9uper Service at the prmce of' $~00.00 plus traae in oz"' 1932 ~hevrolet pick up which the City nouv owns. ~ i::oved, seconded and unaniMOUSly carriea~ that C'ity Attorney ~be instructEd t,o start ruiet `iitle proceedings upon the old -~owe property located on Traffic `rJay across from the present . iiicYifield aervice Station~ and which the City novv owns by ' 1'ax 'iitle. ~ 1'~o further business appearin~ and upon motion the meetin~ ~as ad j ourned . - , _ttest: ~-,ri•a>~ City Clerk r.°ayor