Minutes 1938-02-16 147 Arroyo Grande~ California February 2, 1938 City Council met in regular session with Mayor J. S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll call Councilmen Gibson, Phillips, SEhnyder and vVhitlock reported present. Councilman ~Nood ~.bsent ~iinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Communication from City "~~torney E. A. Quaresma regardiFj~g q~iiet title proceeding~ on o1d Lowe property~ statirzg that the time required to quiet said title would be approYimately four months. It was the opinion of the Board that as the Title is of little or no valae at present it should be cleared up and E lerk was instructed to noti£y a~torney accorc~ingly. Balance of Comnunications read and ordered placed on file. bioved, seconded and unanimously carried that City ask the Gra~~.~r ;~chool Board to advertise School;property on the corner o~' ~rafFic '~day ar~d Valley Road at this time as the City would like a chance to purchase same. The School Board,bein~ in session at this time, was notified immediately by telephone.r Headily moved, seconded and unanimously carried that City purehase new Remington Rand electric adding machine. C lerk instructed to have convertible insurance put on new Chevrolet pick up. Clerk instructed to notify School Board that th~ Cit,y would suggest a minimum price of $2500.UC to be placed on old School property for advertising purposes. This order was immediately carried.out by telephone. Fire chief instructed to have a blind switeh instaled in fire house. Clerk instructed to get priees on rain gauge. Claims against the General Fund in the amount of $798.~5 and the 'rJater Fmnd in the am ount of ~ 599 • 05 wer e audi ted ~ approved and ordesed paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ riTTEST: ~ r-- City Cler Mayor ~zrroyo Grande, California r'ebruary 16, 1938 City Council met in regular session with In~ayor S. Gibson in the chair. L~pon roll call Councilmen Gibson, Phillips, Schnyder, a"Thitlock reported present. ~.bsent. Councilman ~Nood. h?inutes of prev~ous meeting read and approved as re~d. Niotion by Phillips~ 2nd. by '~lhitlock, motion carried unanimously that City accept offer of ,~13C0. made by Don Shaffer, for that part of the old Lowe tract which the City now owns by tax title as soon as the ti3.le can be cleared upon same. ~'later Superintendent instructed to install new water lines in rair Oaks and Grand Ave. section. Subject of ~ity purchasing rain gauge tabled indefinitely. Keelor application for water rejected as the ciistanee is too great to ~Narrant the instalation at this time. 1~?o further business appearin~ .~.nd upon motion the meetin~ w~as adjourned. , ~ ~ ~ tt e s t : ~ ..~.t.___ , City Clerk ~;ay ~