Minutes 1938-03-02 148 . ~ irroyo Gr~rlde, California ~ ~v.arc:~ 2, 1938 ~ City Council met in regular session with Iw:ayor J. S. : Gibson in the chair. tipon roll c~.ll Councilmen Gibson~ ~hillips~ ~eY~nyder~ ',~~hitlock and ~~Jood reported present. :bsent none. Iti;inutes o~' previous meeting read and approved as read. Comrlunications read and ordered placed on file. i~~.ayor Uibson appointed to appear before the Garden section of the '~~Jomans Club on N;arch lI ~ to take up the sub j ect oP cleaning up dvaeds and rubbish. The fol7nwin~ notice of election was read, approved and orderea publis~ied in tne Herald necorder. ''TOTIC~ Or ELECTION. l~Totice is hereby ~iven that a~eneral t.~unicipal Election will be held in the City of ~rroyo Grande, on `luesday~ the lwel~th day of April, 1938 for the follovring officers: ^i ~rJO Counci lmen F'ull Term ~ One Councilman Short i`erm `I'here will be one votin~ precinct for the purpose of holdin~ said election, consisting of consolidation of the regular election precincts established for holding ~tate ~nd County elections, as follows: Consolidated voting precin~t "A" comprising _ ;~tate and County precincts numbers ::rrovo Grande ~ Cne and `rv~o ~ and the polling place thereof shall bE at the ';rroyo Grande Cityriall The polls Jvill be open between the hours of 8:CG o'clock A. D~. ~ ~nd S:UC o'elock P. N:. . 2'he followin~ named persons have been duly app~inted as election officers for the holding and conducting said election, namely; IT:,~PECTOR N;yrtle Eailey Judge henry E. Cox Clerks Edna M. Sc~illing & N1ae C. Ketchum. In all particulars such election shall be held and condu~ted in the manner prouided for the holding and conducting of h;Unicipal elections in said City and in accordance ~~rith the Laws of the :~tate of California applicable thereto. Dated triis 2nd d~y of P,Iarch, 1938 R. B. I~~ineau, City Clerk '1'he compens~tion to be paid to the election officers for the General Iyiunicip~l ~lection to be held April 12th. 1g38 was discussed and ordered fixed at the sum of rour ~ollars ($4.00) e~~ch. :.t. superir.tendent instructed to install ~treet signs on the various cor~}ers of Crchard and Cherr~ avenues in the ~ones Tract ~~ubdivision. , ~olice chief T?orton ~ranted ten days absence due to sickness. IV:otion re~ularly secondeci and unanimous~y c.~_rried, th~t City compens~te .Gerald Dana for his vrork as deput~r ~olice ofI'icer durin~ the absence of chief Norton. ~ub~ect of i'ublic Liability Tnsurance c>~rried over to r~ext meetin~. . Re~;ularly movea~ seconded anct c~:rriea that City ~Jater Super. yroce~~ with tne instalation of Pipe lines in the Fair Uaks and Grand i~venue sections as previously outlined. ClaiMS a~ainst the ~eneral ~und in the amount of $718.13 and the ~~later Fund in the acnount of ~367.30 were audited~ =~pproved and ordered paid. jTo furtnEr• business ap~earin~, and upon motior the meeting ~ras ad~ ourned . ATTEST: i.~Z~e~-- ~ , Ci y C1erk ltiayor