Minutes 1938-03-16 14~ Arroyo Grande California hiarch 16 ~ 193~ City Council met in regular session with 1`.?ayor S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll call Councilmen Gibson, i=hillips, Schnyder~ 'zJhitlock and 'Nood repor,ted present. :~bsent none. Iu:inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Communications read and ordered placed on file. RESOLUTION 80 ~ resolution authorizing the N~ayor to execute a~rant deed to A. Beckett et ux. for the following described property: Commencing at a point in the East line of `dVhiteley Street known as Tally Ho Avenue in the City of ~rrayo Grande 1Vorth 29 ~dgrees 'Nest 112.5 feet from the lv'orth Line of Branch Street and running thence l~Torth 29 ~ degrees '~Vest 75 feet; thence North 61 de~rees East 35 feet; thence in w direet line Southerly 80 feet • more or less to the point of beginning. Clerk rejorted that there have been three applications filed for the office of Councilmen for the coming election~ namely~ Joseph S. Gibson and J. J. Schnyder for full term and Ben D. Conrad for short term. Iv7oved, seconded and unanimously carried that City Licenses numbers 2029~2084~21~8 and 2119 be~canceled as the persons to avhom said licenses were issued are no longer in business in the City. ~ Claims against the General Fund in the amount of ~30.00 ~.nd the u~ater Fund in the amount af $ 497.49 were audited, approved and ordered paid. ':Vater superintendent granted permission to purehase 15 more water meters. Police Chief r•Torton in structed to em~loy tvro deputies un~il further notified by the City Council in an endeavor to quiet the Saturday night noises and disturbances which h b aecuring. ' '~tater ~~nperintendent instruc~ed to raise/a~~tw~~~fi cias~,omers ~Nho are payi less than $2.00 to the minimum,o~.$2.OO~.as sp~c,ified O~c~~~nG`~~38. .~lso all metered customers who are servie,ing more than oiie residence through the same meter, be raised to a $2.00 minimum per house or have separate meters instaled. No f'lu~ther busines appearing and upon motion the meetin~ was adjourned. ~ ~ . Attest: ' V Ci y Clerk ~ ~ayor