Minutes 1938-04-20
Arroyo Grande Californi,a. Ci7
April 18, 193~
Unon ad~ ournment of the olc~ Board, new Board of 'irustees c~.lled
to order by H. B. I~;Iineau .
On roll call Coun~ilmen Conr~.d~ Gibson~ Phillips~ Schnyder and
:~hitlock reported present. Absent none.
Upon motion by Councilm?_n Sehnyder, seconde~i by Councilman Phillips~
~ast ~Ylayor ~oseph S. Gibson ~vas unanimously elected to continue
in that capacity.
No further business 3ppE=~ring and upon motion the meeting was
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ity Cler~c C~-~~?~~-~~a~ror
Arroyo Grande ~ Cal ifornia
~pril 20th. 1938
City Couneil nlet in regular session and was called to order
by B. Mineau
Upor~ roll call Councilmen Conrad~ Phillips and Schnyder reported
present. .~.bsent Councilmen Gibson and '~Jhitlock.
bloved, seconded and carried that Councilman H. R. Phillips be
appointed acting chairman in the absenee of b~iayor Gibson.
Minutes of previous regular and speeial meetings read and approved
as read.
&irs Lillie ~nglish appeared to question the Board regarding the
use~for rightoPway purposes, of a certain strip of
land 15x115 ft.
lying adjacent to and parallel with the '~lesterly line of Lot 1 of
Elock C of tre Le Poiat Tract. Said strip of land appearing to be
privately owned, 3t was the opinion o£ the Board that an investigatio
be made with the thought in mind of openin~ ~1ay St.
R~1r. E. H. Horner appeared to ask that the City '~Tater Department
increase the minimum number oP cubic feet allowed at the present
time~~rith the viewpoint that it wnuld encourage property owners
to plant more lawns and thereby beaut~fy the town. After ~nuch
discuss~on it was decided that the present bonded indebtedness
is too great to risk any venture of the above proposed nature at
the present time.
Communications read and ordered placed on file.
Comrr~nication from N`ission Trails Associatior~ be reported on
by the Clerk stating that the City would be unable to donate at
the present time.
Communication from. the Channel Counties League tabled without
any action. ,
Police Chief Norton instructed to retain one extra de~~,ty '
until next regular meetin~. ,
Claim aga.inst the +Jater Fund in the amount of $485.6~ ~~I
audited~ approved and ordered paid.
1Vo furtner business appearir~ and upon motion trle meeting
was adjourned. '
ATTEST s f ~
City Clerk B~ayar.
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