Minutes 1938-05-04 153 Arroyo Grar_c: e~ Cali r orria. Iaia~r 4 ~ ly ~8 Cit;;r Council met in ren~alar session ~,r;ith ;!?~~yor S. C~ibsor~ ' in the chair. y lipon ro~1 c~_11 Councilmer~ Conrad, Philiips, ~chryder and "lhitlock re~orted present. :~.bs~nt ~;ane. Ta:lr~utes oi' previous meetinf~ read and ~.p~ roved as read. Communications read -~nd ordered rlaced or file. Comrnunication o~' lt~~rs.- i~~~~e K.etchum, re~-arc3in~ the condition of her drive~vay c~_,.lled to tLie atteritior oi St. Su~erintender.t Ewin€. Cit;; Cler~<: ir.structeci to ~,^rrite ~uda I~~anu~~eturin~ Cor.np~ny ar.d ask the rLaMes af the~ ai~fErent oi~ cor~~~nies~ ;~~~.ose c~rlirder oil ~~roducts the;- wrould recornrr,en~ ir thE t~articul=:r type ~=r.~,ine ~:~~ie ~~re ;cin~. Clai:ns a~T~ir.st t~e GEreral 'r'ur.d ir_ tne ~~~ount of ~3~7.2G ~r~d the ~~ater Fund ir_ ti~e ar,:ou:_t cf ~o.''~C.SG ~Y°rere ~udited, a~;~;roved anc~ ordered paici. i~:~oved~ seeorldEd a.r~ci re~ularly c~>.rried that ~edestriar~ crossirlg be rricved srom the ~reser~t loc~_~tion to ~irectlyl in frorit of the nevv 'r'ostoF~'ice. r~lice Chief ~;orton instructed to retain one extra deputy until r~ext re~;ul~r r~eetin~. _ - T~o furt'r.er husiness ay~_~earir.~~ ard u~on mation the mer~ting •~v~ s ad~; o~zrned. n _~.11 ~~~T: , City Clerk _ "P~:ayor ~rroyo Grande~ ~alif. w,~y lg ~ 1a38 City Co:.ncil met in re~ular session ~.~rith I4iayor S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll c~ll Councilmer~ Conrad~ i'hillips~ .~chnyder and '~'Ihitlock reported present. Absent None. I~Iinutes of nrevious meetin~ read and ~:pproved ?~s read. Corirnunications read and Drdered placed on file. City Clerk ins~tructed to ~et an opinion from City :~ttorne~ as to whether or not the City .:vc~uld be within its legal rights in cleanin~ weeds from private property~ witnout having first advertise~ the fact that said property ~~vas to be cleaned. Subject of purchas~n~;the old Grammer~:Schao2 property was brought up and discussed dt length. It u~as finally decided that ~~Tith the uptrend in prices at the present time it would seem advisable to wait until some future date to attempt the purch~se. No further business appearir.g and upon motion the meetin~ vvas adjourned. ~ ~ . . ATTEST: Ci y lerk or s ~