Minutes 1938-05-18 153
Arroyo Grar_c:e~ Cali_torria.
IGi:~~,r ct ~ 1y ~8
Cit:;T Council met in re~~alar sessior_ ~•;;-ith i~:•~yor S. Gibson
in the chair. y
l;pon roll c~.l~ Councilmen Conrad, i'hil~ ips, Schr~yder and
"Jhitlock re~~orted present. ~'~bs~nt ~~one.
lf:lr~utes of previous meetin~~ read and ~_~;~roved as read.
Communications re~d ~~nd ordere~ placed on file. Comrnunication
o.f iG~rs.. iu~~e Ketchum, re~-ardin~; the condition of her drive~vay e~-a.lled
to t:ie atteritior of St. Su-?erinter.dert Ev~in~.
Cit~; Cler~: irstrueteci to ~~rrite ~uda l~~anuf~cturin€ Cor.n.pany and
ask the r~aMes of the ai ~ ~"~rent oi~ cor~~p~nies, :r~.ose c~rlinder oil
t.roducts the;~ ~rroula recornmend ir thE particul~:r type ~=nr,ine ~~rre
:re .~in~;.
Claims a~r~ir.st t:~e GEreral 'r'ur.d ir_ the ,~~~o~.ir,t of ~8~7.2G ard
the rTater Fund ir_ t~~e ar..our_t cf ~i~~'O.~G •~rere ~udited, ~,;j>roved
anci ordered pai~:.
T~:~oveci~ SPCOriClEc1 ar:a re~;ularly c~-,rrieci that ~edestri?n crossing
be r_ncved lrorn the ~reser~t loc~-~tion to Qirectly in frorit of the
ne~v 'r'osto£Pice.
~~lice Chief ?:orton instructed to retain one extra deruty
until r~ext : e~;ular r~eetin~. _ -
T~o furt~.er husiness a~~~earir.~: ard u~on motion the r:ler~ting
•~v~ s ad~; ourned. y 1
ity Clerk _ "T~~ayor
~rroyo Grande~ ~alif.
u.~y lg ~ 1a38
City Co:;ncil met in re~ular session ~.;rith Ttriayor J. S. Gibson
in the chair.
Upon roll c~ll Councilmer~ Conrad, Phillips~ :~chnyder and
',~Jhitlock reported present. Absent None.
Tvlinutes of nrevious meetin~ read and ~pproved 3s read.
Corirnunications read and Drdered placed on file.
City Clerk instructed to ~;et an opinion from City :,ttorne;~
as to whether or not the City :r~uld be within its legal rights
in cleanin~ weeds from private property~ without having first
advertiser fhe fact that said property ~~vas to be cleaned.
Sub~ect of purchas~n~ the ol.d Gramrmer~.Schdo~ property was
brought up and discussed at length. It was finally ciecided that
~Tith the uptrend in prices at the present time it would seem
advisable to wait until some future date to attempt the purchase.
No further business appearir.g and upon motion the meetin~
~vas ad j ourned.
Ci y lerk or