Minutes 1938-06-01
154 ~
Arroyo Grande, California ~
~ une 1, 1938
City C.ouncil met inregular session with ~:ayor ~oGeph
S . Gibson tn tYie ~hair .
tipon roll call Councilmen Conrad, Phillips~ ~chnyder
and '~Vhitlock reported present. Absent none.
l~~inutes of pPevious meeting read and approved as read.
Corr~lunications read and ordered placed on file.
Councilman Ben I3, Conrad appointed to act on the committees
of Finance~ Streets and To~cn Lands and '~~dater Department in the
same capacity as his predecessor in office~ ~arl ~~ood.
Clerk instructec to have City Attorney draw tax mor:~torium
Crdin~r~ce for the ye~r 1938-39• Also Ordinance pro~idin~
for a tax le~ry ~o be used for Capital Outlay. Also to instruct
attorn~y to take such action as he deems neeessary in the ~
pending suit between the Pacific lelephone Company and the
Cit;~ of Arroyo Grande. " ~
Street Superintendent E~~ving~ instrueted to have new motor ,
installed in r,ord V8 truck.
Police chief instructed to repair,t parking lines on
Branch Street.
Claims against the General rund in the a~ount of ~481.74
and the ~~ater Fund in the -~mount o~ $6~3.76 were audite~~
apprmved and ordered paid.
I~To further business appearin~ and upon motion the meeting
vras ad j ourned.
~ '
ATT~'ST: ~ -
Clty Clerk ~ayor
tirroyo Grande, Cali~orni~
~une 15, 1938
City C~uncil rlet in re~zl_-~r session ~vith Ieiayor ~~oseph S.
Gibson in the cnair.
~pon roll c-j_11 Councilmen Conr~~d, Phillips, ~chnyder and
~d'nitlock reported y~resent. .~isent none.
I~,:inutes oi' previous meetin~ read and ~~proved as re~d.
Communic-:~tior.s read and orc?ered ~Iaced on file.
T~'oved~ secondeci and re~ularly carried that City purchase
500 feet of 1" ,,ipe and 50G feet of 3/4" pipe.
i~:oved seconded and re~ularly carried th~~t ~treet Superin-
tenc'ient be instructed to purehase ~itumuls and 0;.1 ~an~l to
r;~ake necessary repairs to streets.
~::ovEd, seconded ar~d re~;ularly c~~rried that business license
,'f' 2218 be car.celed as business is no longer ir. oper~tion.
~`°oved~ seconded and re~ularly carriFd that City Clerk be
l;errr.itted to tnke his vacation a_t the present tim.e.
itieguests fo~ the ab~~ndonment of Le~oint 'rerrace an^ Harrison
~ta'eet ulere ir_troduced ar~d Clerk instructed to r.otify Tt~r. Loomis
and T::r. I::atch~n to contact our City ~ttorney re~;arding the
T~c~'~~~~~it~r ~rc~~.~~~~e ~~'umb~-~ r~aC ::~ead,:Eor • ~h.e Fir~.t~time: '
a:= ~vo. fu~~,~i~~, business appe~_rin~ ~r_d u~ori motion the meetin~ ,
w~~s aa~ ourned.
• Attest: 1r~7, ~
City Clerk ~~~ayo