Minutes 1938-07-06 155 .rroyo Grancie ~ C~aliforni~. ~:,_zly 6, 1g38 City Council met in rEgul~r session ~~rith P~o~ayor ~oseph ~ Gibson in ttie chair. J~nn roll C'all Councilmen Conrad~ i=hillips, 5ciinyder and +~hitlock rEported present. Abeent none. iu~inutes of previous meeting rea~ and -~p~roved as re~.~d. ~orr~r.,unications re:~a ana nrdered placed on file. Pu:r . Pro~un and ~,:'<rs Li l~i ~ ~n~ li sii :~ppeared to ask tha t ~~~ay ~t . Ue oy~ened. ~hF~,r r°~ere advis~ d that the =•oard ~~rould investigate the matter at orlce anc do ~:;rlat they could t,o t~ke the ~t,,,, into t'rle nresent City ~trEet, system. . O~DIl`<a:TCE ~7~ 6C. ~I~T ORDIT,.:41'C:~ ~1':_'~T'DIA'G S`~C1I01`E I~ C~~ `~i; CRDIT'r~i`Cr. ?:i~rTITLT~D: GRDI?`T~~lTCL FRCVIDIPTG r OR T`':~ i' ~ Oi~~.~Y tLT~:I:~aIUT' C~' PEnT/~LTIES ~ Il`TT~~.a`i Ai~ COj'i6 U~'OTT T:r.~.: R.:D::I'~~~'I'IOI`; Or P~OP~TY SULU r OR ~T:LII`T:~JU^nr~l~ 1'A:{~S, D~~:CL~yi~.IP.'G i~T UI"G`~~T~'CY GN~ `1'Ii~S ORDIiTA:TCE ,4?'~D PROVIDIT?G `i^::.AT IT a~l^-.LL T~~P.~, EC~' UPOI~T r IT~TAi, ;DCP~IOAT~ PA; S~D '~,"D ~+DO~"i~I~ CP~, Tn~; "LSi'. ~';.Y Cr ~;LZY~ 1~37• This- b~in~ t~e' secon~ reaciin~: of this Crdinance ~ after the re~~din~~ of tr~e he~ di?:`~ and unon motion <rhich ~~vas re~ularly secondea ~nd unanir:iously c-;rried~ tne re-:dir~ o~' the balance of th~ Grdinance ~~.~aas rJaivea. ine ~rdiaance vr~s then =~nd there ~~dopted by the follo~~in~, vote on roll c~.ll: ~YL~: Conrad~ uibson,~~hillips~ ~chr~~rder and ~'hitlock. ^?OL~ : T one `_BSLI~'"I' : T?one . City ,uditor i_~:rry Truesc~~._ie vv~~ ~resent ar~d subr~~itted h~.s ~uc.it rel~ort for the fiscal yEar 19~7-3t~. t~~otion b~~ Councilm.~n ~hillips, .rilich tivas re~ularl« s~~cond~ea ~nd carried, auditor's rcport ~~vas -~cceptec~ anci orcierec placed on ~'ile. :;rdinancE ~'C. ~1~ ar~ ~;reinanc_ *~rovidin~ for the establitihment of ~ func for• Ca~~ital Cutlay ~as rea,~ f'or the tirst tzme. I~:ovec.~ secorde~ and re~~~ul~rly c;-~.rried th~~t City Clerk be ~~ermittec; to cancel_ ~usir~es~ Licer.~e 22~6 lI? vie~~~ cf the fa ct that tne business is no lon~~er in or~eration. R~SCL`~'LJ b~T t,he Cour_ciZ th~t thF ~~del `i"' ~ord tr~uck i,~ no lor~er of an~~ value to the Citrr ~na t::~refore , that the oi r er of <;;2~.CC rnaae r;y the Jrion ::i~h ~,cnool be ^ccE_1,ted. C:arr~.ec: by tl~e follofvir,`~~ vote or. roll call: ".Y~S: Conr=~d, Gibson~ r'hi~lip; , ::c}:r_;~der =:nd ,Thitlock. .TOE:: T'"one AB~EN'i : r'Une . T.~:oved~ secor.deci ar?~. ~..r.~r_imo~..isly c~rried th=>t the City Ci~ P~;;x thF.: surt _zce ot r~arnett ~treF~t ~rcr~ 101 :'_i~Yi;v~y to tti:e intersection ,~it'r: Cornwal~ venue an.~ Cornvrall ver~ue *'rorn Uar~nett ~treet to ~ the Ciene~~r. Road. Claims a~rair.st t~ie ~r.F:Y ~'~,znd in the ~~rr:ount ot ~764.~1 a.nd the .'ater ~and in the amount o' w~~; .2~3 rere auditF d a.prrove and order•ec ~~id. ` '''o ''urther b~~siress ap~~E~~rin~- anc upon motian i~]-:~ m~etir.~ :v~~ a.a~ourned. - ~ - 1 'I"i}~S 1 : . ity Clerk :ayor 0