Minutes 1938-07-20 156 ~ r~ . Arroyo Grande~ California v' ~uly 20~ 193~ . City Council met in re~ular session ~rritli I,:ayor ~oseph S. Gibson in the ch•~ir. L~~on ro11 c~ll Councilmen Conrad~ rhil~ips~ :~~hnyder and v~Thitlock reportec present. Absent none. I~~inutes of nrevious r.~eetin~ re~d and a~proved as read. Communications read and ordered plaeed on file. Tv;r . Chas ..~Vells ~*~~;eared to ask i£ anything nEVr ~ad developed concernin~ the 15 foot strip of land lying between his plaee and ~:rs. t~zevedo~s. It having developed that the Title to this strip oE' land ~ras ruestionable~ letter from the Security Title insurance Corr~pany explainin€ who the ~robable owners are ~ vras read to ~::r . .Yells . Councilman Conr~d reported that I~:~y St. belongs to the City ~treet system. ~ ORDINAI'?CE # 61 A~? ORDINANC~ Or T~ CITY C~UNCIL OF THE CIT'' OF -:~RROYO`: GRAZ6DE CRE.~lTIRTG ~i rUATD FOR CAPITAL OUTLAYS FOR PUBLIC IMPRC'1IIb~1~T7.'S. This being the second reading of this Crdinance~ after the re~ding of the heading~ and upon ~totion whieh was regu.larly seconded and unanimously e~rried, the readin~ of the balance of the Ordinance : was w~ived. The Ordinance was then and there adopted by the £ollowing vote on roll crall. AYES: Councilmen Conr:~d, Gibson, t hillips ~~chr~yder & y~ihitlock. D?OES : l~Tone ~BSEr'T: T'one. , P:otion by Councilm~zn Schnyder, seconded by Councilman '~Jhitlock, motion carried unanimously~ that E. Y. ~dmands and Harry ~Iart be granted one week vacation with t'ull pay. Claims a~ainst the Gener:~.l r und in tr~e amount of $79 .14 were audited~ approvec~ and ordered paid. I~To ~'urther business appe~.rin~ and upon motion the meetin~ was ' adjourned. ' . ATTEST : ~ r.~C.~_ , " City C1erk I~;~ r ~ ~