Minutes 1938-08-03 157 =rroyo Grande California ,ugust 3~ 193~ City Council met in regular session with ~~ayor Joseph S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll call Councilmen Conr~d, Phillips, ~ehnyder and `~~itlock reported present. .bsent none. Iv:inutes of previous meeting read and ~pproved as read. Bommunications re:~d and ordered placed on file. Pa~otion by Schnyder, 2nd. by Conrad, that County Library water bill be reduced ~to the minimum charge of ~2.G0. Clerk instructed to write to i~ir. Leiter and i~:r. Phillips regarding a Right of ~1ay for the completion of High ~t. Claims against the Ger.eral rund in the amount of $88g.45 and the ~~ater Fund in the amount of ~461.90 were audited~ app: oved arid ordered paid. I~To further business a~pearing and upon mo~,ion the meeting was ad~ourned. !~T`rEST: . ity Clerk l~:ayor Arroyo G ande~ California °:u~ust~18, 1938 City Council m~ert in re~uTar session and was called to order by City Clerk R. B. ~ineau. upon roll call Councilmen (:onrad, Phillips~ ~chnyder and +hitlock re~;ort~d pres~nt. i~~ayor Gibson absent. T~.`otion regular 1y carried, Cour.cilman Fhillips appointed acting !'-"ayor . :::inutes of previous meeting reaci and approved as read. 't.~rs. C. I. T.~~eeker, ~;r. E. S. 'd'Vhitlock and i'~.-r. E. H. Horner appeared as a committee and outlined the ~vorking of the recreation project ~~vhich is extended by the Government, with the thought in rlinc of starting such a project here. It was suggested ~~y the Council that the Ger.era~ P;~blic be contacted regarding the advisability of such a project. 1'he ~oard does now adjourn temporarily to take up the duties of the Eoard of Equalization. P~:eeting re-opened in aue form and cor.~munications read . Communication frorn County iiealtt~ Cffice carried over for more definite inforr_7ation as to ~ruhat a City-County Iiealth Eor.tract comprises. Clerk instructed to secure all possible data on ~;lectric Power for iuater ~+ells. .~lso ir~structed to write Peerless I'ump Co. regarding cost of broker~ ~''u~ head. building, Cle~ek instructed to contact '~ttorney !'uaresma regarda.ng/set back, and zor~in~ 0rdina.nc e . i~~o further busihess appearing and upon motion the meeting ~ras adjourned. . U _ . a.r : C~ty ._Cierk ~