Minutes 1938-10-19 ~ l 59
Arroyo Grande, CaliPorni$
oct. 5~ 1938 ~
City C~un~i1 met in r~gu3ar sess~on ~rith M~yor J. S. ~
Gibson in the e~hair°:
Upon r~ll cs~11 -~QUncilmen Cv~d~ Pl~iillips, ~~h~yc~er and
+~t1Qek r~epor~e~l. pre•~nt.. Absent ~r~one.
Bdiriutes of previo~s : ma+ctir~g- ~read -~~d ~apprc~ved ~s rezd.
Co~rsicatiar~rs. read~ and ord~ered placed on filc.
I~eaved~, sec~ouci~d a~d regulgrly carried that a c~lvert be pla~ed
in f'~on~~:.cP thE L~n~~t~ St~fdt prvp~rty on. Lt Point St. ~
Yotimn by eat~n~i3~?r~r Sc~drr:~ Zndr. by C~uneilman Phillips,
m0tion earried un~nimunsly that extra polfce ~f'gicer be bo lmnger
employed at th~ S~turdgy night ci~tnces.
Clerk imstructtd to vrrite Go~ernar Merrian,urging th~ immediate
s~pp~int~tant af a third me~ber to ~ the St,ate CAnservaticn Cm~nittee.
Claims a4g~irxst the Gener~l Fnnd in the am~unt o~ $699.8~ and the
l~ater Fu~ri in the. amov~nt of $336.26 w~re audited~ approved and
ordtr~ci ~a.3d.
No further business appear~ng and upon motion the meeting was
, ~
ATTEST s V'~• ct,cti F
erk or .
Arroyo Grande, California
October 19, 1938
City Council met in regular session with Mayor J. S. Bibson
in the ~hair.
Upon roll call Councilmen Conrad~ Phillips~ Schnyder and
Whitloek reported present. Absent none.
Minu~es of prevmous meeting read and approved as read.
Communications read and ordered placed on file.
Dlir. Fessler of the Santa. ~aria Gas Co. appeared to report
that the broken pump head had now been repaired and the Holt
engine had been worked over and was no~r in good condition to
use as a standby engine. Also to svggest that the City instal
an oil Pilter on the Buda engine~ same to be instaled on trial
for a period of six months and then iP satisfactory to purchase
~ame at the priee of $103.00. Instalation charge to be borne
by the Gas Co.~ ~f at the end of six months it ha.s proven
unsatisfactory same to be removed with no c~harge to the City.
Motion by Phillips, seconded by Conrad, motion earried
unanimously, that Santa Maria Gas Co. be allo~red to instal ft~r
trial an oil filter on the Buda engine.
Motion by Whitlock~ eeeonded by Conrad, motion carried
mnanimously, that delinqtzent City tax against the property of
A. F. Silva, formerly oumed by Lishe~ and being Lots 21-~2 and
23 of Block 7 of the ~estern Addition~ be canceled due to the
fact that said Lishen was a veteran and City Records Pail to
intelligently show that exemptioa which should have been granted
had been granted.
Motior~ by Conrad, seconded by Phillips~ motimn carried unanimously
that City enter into Coanty-City xealth contract at thr rate of
$100.00 per year.
Motion by S~hnyder, seconded by Whitlock, motion carried unanimously
that ~ity Poliee Judge keep his boaks and hold his court hereafter
in the City Hall.
No Purther business appearing and upon motion the meeting was
ATTEST: • ~ ^ y
C ty Clerk I~a or.