Minutes 1938-12-08 ~ 16~ Arroyo CYrande~ California December 7, 1938 ``egular Council meeting night and no members of the Board being present, the meeting was adjourned by the City Clerk to Thursday, December 8~ 1938 at ?:30 0'C1ocI~. ATTEST s • ' . City Clrsk or Arroyo Grande, California December 8, 1938 City Council met in an adjourned regular session with ~iayor J. S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll call Co~zncilmen P2~illips, S~hnyder and Whitlock reported present. Councilman Co.nrad absent. ~Iinutes of previou.s r~~:gul~~ seee~izig and of adjourned regular meeting were read and ~tpgr€~red as r~~d. Communications read ansi orc~er~d p~a~ed on file. Statement of Robert Spehr to the City uf nrro~o Grand~, was re~e~ted upon the grounds t~at tF~ea:~~is~e vofT:i3~s~a~~~~onciof the pipe~:=:it was underatood that ~r. ~pehr was to furnish his own labor and materials: to connect with the City ~iater system. He retains po~sessiorr of these materials and the same sti1T belong to h~.m. Moved, seconded and_regalarly carried~ the City taxes for the Ye4 ~1633,~4 a DiZ1t1t~i4Pi~P18~1 ~20L21Jand~22h Block~ln Western 3> > > >7~ a9~ ~ ~ 3~ ~ > 9> > > 9~ Addition, & property of D. H. Summerville and ~being ~;fil of Block 16 of same l~dditian Por the years of 1933-34 & 34-3~~ and property of Wm. Hnuser and Add~e Lee Houser Por the year 1933"34 and being Lots 3,4,~'~6~~ and Bloek 7 of same ~dditi4n, be eanceled upon the groe~nds that an inquiry was made by the property owners at that time and the property ~as reported to have been ~lear. Proper book entries nev~r havir~g been made the reeords~are confusing as to whether or not Lhe t.alces have been paid. Claims against t2~e ~eneral Fund in the amount of $648.b3 and the Water Fund in the amount of ~368.24 were audited~ appro3red and ordered paid. No further business: appearing and upon motion the m~e~i.~tg was ad~journ~d. ATTEST: uJ. ' - ~ ity Clerk Mayar