Minutes 1938-12-21
~62 ~ ~ ~
.~rroyo Grande, California ~
~ecember 21, 1938
City Council met in regular session,with ~layor J. S.
Gibson in the chair.
U~on roll call Councilmen Conrad~ Phillips, Schnyder and
i~Thitloek reported present. Kbsent None.
I~~inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Communications read and ordered placed on file.
Contract of top price with the Texas Company rejeeted
upon the grounds that our consumption is not great enough
to ~rarrant buying from too many companies.
Conrad appointed to take care of water ehannel across
Wesley ~venue.
k esolution of Board authorizing the b:ayor and City Clerk
to sign an agreement with the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
Company~ absolving said company from any liability which-might
arise from the maintenance or operation of our Fire Alarm switeh
while ~ame is being operated from the Telephone Com~~ny office~
was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Conrad, Gibson, Phillips, ~chnyder & Whitlock.
' NOES: None
~,BSENT: None
No further business appearing and up~n motion the ~eeting
was adjQUrned. ~
~TTEST: ~ ~
i ty C lerk M~ryor .
. Arroyo Grande ~ Ca1if ornia
a~n~zary 4~ 19 39
City Council met inregular session ~ith Mayor J. S. Gibson
in the chair.
Upon roll call Councilmen Conrad, Phillips, Schnyder and
~Thitlock reported present. ~bsent none.
~inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Communications read and ordered placed on file.
Upon motion by Councilman Phillips~ second by Councilman
Conrad, motion regularly carried~ that the local Townsend
Club be no longer required to pay rent for the pr~vilege
of ineeting in the City Hall
Mof,ion by Cottncilman SehnydaP, second by Corrncilman Conrad
motion regularly eaPried, that M. R. Van Atormer be employed as
City ~ttorney for the City of ~rroyo Grande at a retainer of
$25.00 per mv~t2z, for which sum ~-r. Van ~Varmer agrees to handle
any and all $~Bg~3< basiness Por said City.
Claims against the ~eneral Fund in the amount oP $9~4.65 and
the ~later Fund in the amount oP ~ 312.27 were audited, approved
amd ordered paid.
No further business apgearing and upon motion t~te m.~eeting was
, i
V~ ~ ~
ATTEST: ' t;
~ ~ ,t-_~,i; ,c ,~.~'~f
City Clerk ' M~yor