Minutes 1939-03-01 165 ~ tirroyo Grande, Cali£ornia ~'arch, 1, 1939 City Council met ~3n regular session with Pd:ayor ~T. S. Gibson . in the chair. Upon roll call Council.men Conrad, Schnyder and '~Vhitlock reported present. Councilman Phillips absent. ~inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Communications read and Eommunication from Santa ~aria Gas Company regarding proposed legislation affecting operator's of internal combustion engines ordered replied to. "'r. Kenle~r of the Anerican Rubber Company was present and quoted a 10`,~ municipal discount on the prices'of fire hose which he had quoted at t3~e previous meeting. ~rs. ~dith Kaar~ president of the Arroyo Grande 'J~oman's Club appeared and presented petitions asking for the instalation of sidewalks~ curbs and gutters on several of the City Streets. She also reported that the iKoman's Club had made inquiries about the different varities of ornamental shrubs which could be planted along the State Hi$hway within the City and asked the financial assistanee of the City in this progosEd projec~t. lt was explained to ~+irs . Ka.ar that the City would shortly make application to the Government for a W. P. A. project to cover both the sidewalks~ curbs and gutters as well as the planting of shrubs and if they s~e successful in securing such a project~ the desired financial help could probably be arranged. l~otion regularly seconded and carried rescinding `'esolution of Intention to Grant Electric Franehise due to an error in publication. RESOLUTION 82 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO GRANT ELECTRIC FRANeHISE TO PQCIFI~ GAS AND ELECTRIC C01~1PANY. ~ Passed and adopted by the following vote on roll call: AYES: Councilmen~ Conrad, Gibson, Sehnyder and ~Nhitlock. NOES: None ~BSENT: Councilman Phillips. RESOLUTION # 83 RESOLUTION OF I~TTENTION TO CLOSE UP AND ABANDON THAT CERTAIN PORTION OF POOLE ST ~ET IN THE ~ITY OF ARROYO GRI~NDE~ COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORIJIA. Passed and adopted by the £ollowing vote on roll call: ~YES: Councilmen~ Conrad, Gibson~ Schnyder and `JYh~tlock. NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Phillips. Claims against the General Fund 4n the amount of $ 671.b4 and the ~fater Fund in the amount of $ 931.17 were ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourmed. ATTEST: ~ ~ Cit,~ Clerk Mayor