Minutes 1939-05-17
170- ~
_ ~
Arroyo Grande~ ~alifornia
DdaY 1? ~ 1939
' City Council met in regular se~sion with Mayor J. S.
Gibson in the chair.
Upon roll call Councilmen Conrad~ Phillips, ~ch~yc~er and
~~ihitlock reported present. Absent none.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approvec~ as read.
Communications read and ordered placed on FiTe.
ORDINANCE # 6~ eatabliahing fund for one quarter cent gas
tax money, read for fdrst time to be rrread at next meetir~g.
~~solution of intention to close up and abandon allrof
Cypress Street~ passed and adopted by the following vote
on roll calls
AYESt Councd~lmen, Conrad, Gibson, Phfllips, Schnyder and
NOES: None
~iotion by Conra~~ seconded by Schn~yder, motion carried~ that
motion passed Ceb. 16~ 193$ accepting offer of ~3:~00.06 from
Don ShafPer fc~r Lowe propertyf be resc~nded as said ShafPer
~ias si~ce becom~ disinterested in the pr~operty. ~
Motion regularly seconded and carried to pd~rchase pipe `
Motion regularly secanded and carried ordering that the
burnbng and cleaning of p~ivate lots ~rhich have not been '
cleaned at the e~cpiratioa of our clean up weeks be lePt to
th~ discretion of the Street Superintendent.
No further bu8iness appearing and upon motion the meeting was
ATTEST s l./~• , '
~ City~le.r Mayor.