Minutes 1939-07-05 17 3 ~
Arroyop Grande, California
s.. b Ciu~J Y~ 1939
~ i.m.:
City Council met in regular session with biayor J. S. Gibson
in the chair.
Upon roll cal7~ Councilmen Conrad, Phillips, Schnyder &~Nhitlock
reported present. Absent none.
Ninmtes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Communications read and ordered filed.
Niotion re~zlarly seconded and ~arried that Police Chief
Fred Iv?orton be granted a vacation, beginning ~uly 9th. and
endirlg ~uly 26th.
T~iotion regularly seconded and carried that City =~ttorney
be instructed to draw Moratorium Ordinance caneeling delinquent
penalties and costs on City delinquent taxes.
Motion regularly seconded and carried that City purchase
another ~Yater Ledger Cabinet.
Claims against the General Fund in the amount of $ 690.18
and the 'J~ater F'~tnd in the amount of $ 835.69 were audited ,
appra~ed and ordered paid.
No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting
was adjourned.
~ ,
i ty lerk ~riayor
;rroyo Grande, Calif.
tulY 19, 1939
City Council met in regular session with ~~iayor J. S.
Gibson in the chair.
Upon roll call Councilmen ~hillips, Schnyder and ~~~ihitlock
• reported present. Councilman Conrad absent.
~iinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Communications read~ana ordered p~.aced on file.
No~ice from the Eridge Department of t he State Highway
that a hearing on the condition of Bridge Street Bridge
would be held Tuesday, ~uly 25th.
lt~iotion regu~arly~ seconded and carried unanimously~ that
City have pump in #4 well overhauled immediately and also
have Peerless pump Co. instal new pump and electric motor
in well ~ as soon as pump is put back i~ ##4.
~~Zotion regularly seconded and carried that City :~ttorney
Van Wormer be authorized to start suit to eollect delinquent
water bills whenevEr he:deems:~necessary.
~~d~nanee .#'64,, : ca~.~e~i~~ ,d~~:3inqn~nt p~na~ti~:6 a2~d eo:s~~,}~n
a~l-inquent -E.~xes read for the first time.
No furtner business~ the meeting stands adjourned.
' ty ler
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