Minutes 1939-07-19
~:y: 17 3,:
Rrroyo Grande, California
x - a ~uIY 1939
City Council met in regular session with NZayor J. S. Gibson I
in the chair.
Upon roll cal~. Councilmen Conrad, Phillips, Schnyder & v'Vhitlock
reported present. Absent none. !
Ninmtes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Communications read and ordered filed. '
~-:otion regularly seconded and ~arried that Police Chief
Fred nTorton be granted a vacation, beginning July 9th. and
endirlg ~uly 26th.
~~iotion regularly seconded and carried that City =~ttorney
be instructed to draw Moratorium Ordinance caneeling delinquent
penalties and costs on City delinquent taxes.
Motion regularly seconded and carried that City purchase
another uVater Ledger Cabinet.
Claims against the General Fund in the amount of ~ 690.18
and the 'Nater F~Snd in the amount of $ 835.69 were audited ,
approved and ordered paid.
No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting
was adjourned.
i ty erk &:ayor
:~rroyo Grande, Calif.
~ulY 19~ 1939 .
City Council met in regular session with ~uiayor S.
Gibson in the chair.
Upon roll call Councilmen ~hillips, Schnyder and '~"dhitlock
• reported present. Councilman Conrad absent.
~,iinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. ~
Communications read:and ordered p3.aced on file. '
No~ice from the Eridge Department of the State Highway i
that a hearing on the condition of Bridge Street Bridge '
would be held Tuesday, ~uly 25th. '
I~~iotion regu~arly, seconded and carried unanimously, that ~
City have pump in #4 well overhauled immediately and also
have Peerless pump Co. instal new pump and ele~tric motor
in well~ as soon as pump is put back in ~#4.
t~7otion regularly seconded and carried that City ~~ttorney
Van Wormer be authorized to start suit to collect delinquent
water bills whenevPr he_deer~s.necessary
'~~d~z~anee~:~#'64,`~~~e~i~~ d~3xnqn~nt p~ena~ti~:s a~id cos~s::~n
d~l~inque~t t~xes read for the first time. 'J
No further business, the meeting stands adjourned.
~TTEST: °O ~
' ty Cler NIayor