Minutes 1939-08-16 175
~rroyo Grande~ ~alif.
august 16, 1939
City Council met in regular session ~nd wae.~called to order
by the City Clerk.
Upon roll call Councilmen Conrad, Phillips, S~hnyder and
~Nhitlock reported present. IvIayor Gibson absent.
~':otion regularly seconded and earried that Councilman Conrad
be appointed aeting I4:ayor.
I~~:inutes of prevmous meeting read and approved as read.
Communications read and ordered p~~ced on file.
Motion regularly seconded and carried that City aecept
County health Offie Contract at $100~00 per year.
- City Clerk instructed to ask for bids from the ~merican
~ Rubber Co. and the Eureka Fire Hose Division for prices on
l~-" hose., complete with Siamese connection and nozzles.
necess declared for the purpose of taking up the duties of
the Board of Equalization.
Board re-convemes as a Board of Trustees for the purpose
- of setting tax rate for the coming year. ~fter due deliberation~~an~
it was decided to set the rate as follows: /'upon ~otion~
General Fund $1.00
Sewer Bond .25
Bridge Bond .25
Capital Outlay .10
Total ~'ate ~1.~0 - which is declared to be the
tax rate for the current year 1939-40 on each $I00. of valuation.
I~TO £urther business appearing and upon motion the meeting
was adjourned.
:'iTTEST: • ~ • ^ ~
City Cle Ta~iayor.