Minutes 1939-09-20
~rroyo Grand~, ~alif . LT1
sept. 6, 1939
City Council met in regular session with IaIayor J. S.
Gibson in the chair.
Upon roll call Councilmen Conrad, Gibson, Phillips, Sehnyder
and '~Ihitlock reported present. Hbsent none.
~~;nutes of previous meeting and of the final meeting of
the Board of Equalization were read and approved as read.
Comcnunications read and ordered placed on file. Communieation
from State Highway refusing application for an overhead light
across Traffic ~lay in the vicinity of Don's Richfiled service
read and subject tabled indefinitely. P. G. & E. had
suggested a light at side og Highway with mast arm extension
but this suggestion was not approved.
Reverend ~james request to have corner of LePoint St. and
Crown Terrace widened, turned down as there is apparently very
little hazard eonnected with driving around this turn.
~Clerk instructed to contact State Highway regarding the
drainage problem ~t the intersection of Branch and Whiteley
Streets caused by the erection of the new Loomis Bldg.
Claims against the General Fund in the amount of $9~1.49
and the '~Yater Fund in the amount of $434.36 were audited
approved and ordered paid.
No further business appearing and upon motion the
meeting was adjourned.
, .
Clty Clerk N yor
Arroyo Grande~ Calif.
' September 20th. 1939
City Coui~cil met in regu~~ session with ~ayor J. S.
Gibson presiding. , • '
Upon roll call Councilmen Conrad~ Phillips, Sehnyder amd
'JVhitlock reported present. Absent None.
Ninutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.~
Communications read and ordered p~aced on file.
Clerk gave a short report on Lea~ue meeting at Oakland. r
R~Iotion by Phillips~ 2nd. by Conrad~::~motion carried~ that
Clerk write the Federal Housing Administration regarding
a man to compile a zoning Ordinance and building Code.
No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting
was ad~jo~rned. ~
.Q ` /
City C1 k Mayor.