Minutes 1939-10-18 177'
; Arroyo Gr.ande~ California
Oetober 4, 1939
City Council met in regular session with Yu:ayor S.
Gibson in the chair.
Upon roll call Councilmen Conrad, Phillips, Schnyder and
uYhitlock reported present. Absent none.
I~inutes of previous m~eeting read and approved as read.
Communications read and ordered placed on file.
Subject ofinstaling street light at grammer school
discussed and tabled for the time being.
i~~~iotion regularly seconded and carried, that Street Super.
be instructed to sell old lumber from bridge.
Subject of who should pay Chas. Smith laid over until next
Subject of alley in Jones Tract refere8 to Attorney.
Claims against the Genera~ Fund in the amount of $ 958.14 and
the '~Yater Fund in the amount oF ~1935•59 Were audited•approved
and ordered paid.
No further basiness appearing and upon motion the meeting was
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ATTEST ° ~ ~
City Cl ~ Mayor.
Arroyo Grande, Calif.
October 18, 1939
~ >
City Council met in regular session with ~~,~ayor S. Gibson
in the chair.
Upon roll call Councilmen Conrad, Phillips, Schnyder and 'Nhitlock
• reported present.,Absent, none.
A+iinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Communications read and ordered filed. Communication from
Department of the Int~rior asking for permission to erect a
gaging station on the Arroyo Grande creek at the old Stanley
. Avenue crossing, discussed and upon motion which was reg~larly
seconded and carried, clerk ~as instructed to ~~~vriite the
Departm~ent and grant this permission.
Clerk was also instructed to notify Grammer School principal
to pay traffic officer direct z'rom now on.
h~Iotion regularly seconded and carried, that due to an error
' in va~.uation, clerk be permitted to caneel 1ax Bill ~#510 for
Nir. Chas. Thelander and issue corrected bill.
Subject of cleaning up Tally Ho Street next to Branch refered to
City A ttorney.
C~~i~n ~.gainst the General Fund in the amount af $42.00 was
audited, approved and ordered paid.
No further business g~pearing and upon motion the meeting was
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:~TTEST : , •
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City Cler 1~rlayor