Minutes 1939-11-01 78 y r~ :yrroyo Grande, ~alif. T~Tovember 1, 1939 ~ City Council met in regualr session tith It~iayor S. Gibson in the chair. U~on roll call CouncilmEn, Conrad, Phillips, Schnyder & 'vilhitlock reported present. ~bsent none. T~~.inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Communictaions read and ordered palced on file. I~~otion re~ larly seconded and c arried to cancel Licenses l~Tos. 2623~ 2661 and 2690 as they are uncollectable. Clerk instructed to ~~vrite and notify I~~:. V. utlilliams ~ that City cannot instal sewer to their Lot. RESOL~TION 92 A RE~OLUTION DESIGNATING THE EANK OF AIti4~RICA, ARROYO GR.ANDE BRANCH, AS THE BANK IN iNHIdZH ALL CITY MmNIES BE DEPOSITED. Passed and adopted by the following vo~e on roll call: Ayes: Councilmen, Conrad~ Gibson, Phillips, Schnyder and Whitlock. • NOES: None Abs ent : l~Tone . Claims against the General F~nd in the amount of $930.60 and the '~later Fund in the amount of $344.14 ~~ri~the~'~ eeial Cas: Tax:~S~,reet~°Tmp~QVem~nt Fund in the amount of $I~~7.00 w?fere audited approved and ordered paid. Clerk instrue~ed to make recommendations for chang~img Licensing Ordinance. No further business appearing and upon motion the meetirag was adjourned. , yTTEST ° • Q3, , ~ ' ty Cle ~~,ayor . Arrcyo Gran~de ~ Ca1iP, ~t~v~~r ;~1~ r ;19`~g City Coua+c-31 met.. ir~:.re~lar .eea~f~r~ w~~'~ J~~+`: "J• 3• Gib$on .i~t. ,#.he..Ql~~~~. Upon rc~I.l : s~l.._.~o~i~].me~, - Co~a~~t S~rl~rde~? d~ Ii~aftlo~k~ reported..,prsaent. , Co~i~~: P3~ll,i~s a~~~x~~. ldinu~e~ .ya~' p~e~#~~r>, ,me~~~g =~e~d : aad ~a~rgrv~ed~ sa read.. Commu~~a~Lio~a ~~Qad and: ~,A~dt~ee~ Filod. Chang+a:, aP, ~u#~:~~~~~ lices~r~r~-; d~.s~t~~~e~ ~t rta a~t~iaA L+~]ceu Clafm: s~ga-ine-~ ,::t~e..,~~*al. Fuud, :ia tbe~~ am+~t~ aF ~~i.~ was aud~:#~c~.~,.ap~u!c~e~, at~d arcie~ed paid. No f'ur~ier businssa .appesring and upon motic~n the ~~eting waa adjourned. ATTEST s vt ~ • ' tY ~ ~ ~ ~~~o~