Minutes 1940-01-16 ~182 ~ . ~ ~rroyo Grande ~ Cal~forx~f,~ ~anuary 4, 194a City C4uneil met~ in regu~ar se:~~ir~~.>~wi~h: ~a~y~r v. S. Gf3xa~m in the ~:h~~r~. Upon r4~ll,:,c~11. Ec~~~f~m~~, Cc~~~, Ph~Il~.p~, ~:~'iyc~~ ~.~u3;. . Whitloek ~+~pc~~~~ p~r+a~e~: Abe~°~ nc~~a~e. ~i,nut~e~ af pr~.viu~s mee~.~zg:: ~ad ~:uc~ ~p~c+~~~ ~carr~~te8. Communica~~.o~ r~d=.and. c~rd~r~d p~.aced c~ ~'il.~. ~dr. C. E~ : 1~a~1~ .aPp.s~aa~',~,c~ ~.z~d- ~s~~d ~h~ C~tznefl t~ prtr'~t~t ,tkte i s~uan~e; .~f ar~~a~her. ~?n S~~+a. , Liquar~~ Li~ez~.ar-e in ~th~ 'Cit,~ Dox~ S~~`f~r. app~a~ed t~ stra~ghten c~ut a mi~c~nderste.x~di~ ab4ut th~~ p~~~c~ t~~f Fix~ T;~k b~~~er~ .~t~c~t the Ci ty re~en~ly ; pur~haeec~ ~ro~ him. l~atian, regu~,~ly~ ~~~r~ec~ ~m~d cal~f~d ~t Clerk ~rft~ the St,a.~?e Ba~d ,~f ~q~~2izat~i~r~ a~l +~~k t~em t~ deP~r i~$t~m~~ of 4n Sal~ Lfc~u~rr L3:~~~s~< until a~`~~,,,t3~e ~:~rx~t°,,Cou~+e~~. ~r~tir~ ~rhi c h wi ll be ~re lc~ Q~ J~:. 17~h. Attorney Va~n ~tarme~.~,rule~, in tta~ c~~e ~f :A;~c. aratnt,#ng_ the build~ng~ ~cric?~s~ t~te ~5ta~~~ ~~'rr~m ~i#.m- mQV+~c~~ ~hat u~3.asa ~,d bu3ldfn~~: w~~ .k~t~~;rd. ~c~ #;r~FP~~ tl~at any~ a~~i.am°wauid µ to be .~c s~;d - Lhe a~rner th~ i~ui lc~i~ . - Claim~ i~~.t :~~e ~~~e~~~. ~und in the am~unt oP ~~~C~. ~9 R~~ the ~at~r -~'cxnd: in th+~ ~.m+au~~ e~f $12I~.fi39 ~er~ au€~f ted~ arppra~ra~ ~r~~: :;a~~~~ and e~rde~~c~ .p~i~.: 1Yo F~'#,~~r b~s~ine:~s appearing and upon m~t~t~n ~h~ m~etin,~ was ad j ourne~i. , ATTFST a o 0 0~`~~ C ty Zerk ~ , ~ayar . , _ _ _ _ _ _ - I Arroyo Grande, CaliP. ~ ~ a n. 16 , 1940 City Clerk Notice of Spee~al meeting reeeived and a~ I v~rill be unable to attend, hereby notify ~ro~ to have the balance ~o~~ th~ Bo~rd proceed with such b~zsir~ees as ma.y come bePore ~hem at this meeting. " , . Ben D. Conrad, Counci n. _ _ _ _ _ ~ , ty ~z~ yor,