Minutes 1940-01-17 1$3
Ar~oyo Grand~, Cali~`arnia
~anuary 17, 194~
Cit~ Councii met in regul~~ ~~~ion v~~th ~dayor
Gib~on in tY~e
t7pt~n rc~I1 e~IZ Cauncilmen, Canrad, PhdlZips ~ Sehnyd~r and
~'hft~.oek r~ported pr~sen~.
~3,nutes af pr~qious r~~ui~.r.r and ial m~et~ng~ read and approved
gs read.
Subj~ct o~ the t,~~nsfer c~~ a~ On S~. Liquor License by the Board
of Equalizatian; f~am Pismo Be~ch tc~~-~r~yo Grande brought up
~nd after ~~~,din~ of` t.3~e letters f"rom the State Board and the
opinion of Attorney ~i. R. V`an ~armer, it ~ras decided by the CounciT
that th~~ had no jurisdiction in the matter. t7pon motic+a whi`ch
was regularl.y ae~onded and earr~.ed, Clerk ~as instructed to natiPy
the Stat~ Board that the City of ~rroyo Grande has no recor~rciendatian
to mak~ as to the trans~er oP above mentioned Iicense.
Communi~ations read and ard~red filecT.
~~r. Eldridg~ aske~i that the City~ Council ~o on record, in view o~'
communication ~egardin~ re~ent hearin~s and findings of the
Califar~ia Rail~oad CommissiQn~ requ~sting a reduction of` gas
rates in our lc~e~ali~,y. b~atter rePerred to Ci~y ~t~orney 1~. R.
Van ;~orm~r .
Thel~:nd~r appearec~ t~ ask about the grad~~ of si~ewalk~ ta
be inst~2eci fln H~sr~ Ra~d frrnm th~ P. C. Tra~ks East. He was
" informed that nQthing dEf'inite had b~en c~~eid~d and would not be
until a survey eould be; m~.c~~.
`_uat~fi.ior~~ on 4n cast. irc~~: pzpe, fi~tin~s and valve~ read ar~d
upon motion by Co~raci~ 2nd. by P~~11ip~~ mation carried, CTerk
was instru~~ed to or-d~r f`rr~m -~he tlnited States Pipe & Foundry
Ca. the pipe and fit~~nga and ~ro~n Renss~iaer ~alve Co. the
valves~ necessary #~o make Y conneetion alQr~g West Branch St.~
~pplicat~ion af' ~r. F. Griffin to connect to rrc~aain line sewer
i~t the Fair Oaks Tract laid over to a Iat,er date.
P~irs. ~IalTory`~ s r~quest for f inanciaT aicT Por the propased
`~V. P'. ~i. Re~rea~tional Pro jeet Iaid: over. I~, wa~ reported b~
Councilman Conrad that he haci alread;~ asked ~~r. Doggett to appear
bePore the Co~zncil r~g;arding this matter. -
Permi~sfan grant+~d ta ~~r. Fiazzard of the Fair t3aks Gro~er~r, to
, remove gt~m tree which i.s in tbe_Street nea~C his praperty~ provided
he r~e,move~:s.~umg a$ ~ell tree and does so at his own r~sk and
' ~xp~~e. -
3~o fur~Gher busine~s appearing and upan mc~tion the me~t~.ng waa~
AT~EST uv,_;,,, _ _ - _ -
tY yor .