Minutes 1940-02-21 ~ C7 t~
Arro~o Gr~nde9 CaliP.
February 21~ 1940
C~ty Couz~+~il met in~ .r~:gular se~sian with ~yoz~ J. S.
Gibson in t~~e ~h~.r. .
tTpon r~ii c~ll ~ounci~men PhilTips, Schriyder and r~hhitlock
reported pr+~se~~. Ab~ent. R~on~.
~inut~~ oP previcrus meetin,g read and approme~i $s read.
Com~xr~icatfor~ rea~ a~ci ordered placed on file.
~ ~ ~otion by Counc3I.mar~ Fhillips, seconded by Councilman
~rYa,itlo~k, mvticrn c~rz~ied, rese~ndin~ motion of Dee. 24th. ~rhich
stated t~at her~after any pur~hases made by the Cit~y be made
throragh R. B: ~ineau.
Quotatf on~ an -e ement ~or 5id~~alk, c~rb and g~itter pro j ec t
read and earl~ ar~ered from P. C. Coal Co. J. Sehnyder
appainted as ~~~i~~~e oP one t~ c~rder ~rojee~ materials
as requir~d _ . t _ .
~~ov~d, ~ec°onded and earried that City e~eeep~ can the
dolla.r o~` W. R. Riggs water bi22. B~.Iance to be caneeleci by
~ Clstims ~~ainst the` General' Fund ~n _the amount aP~ $4~.t~~ were
audited apgr~~d amd 4rd~r~cl paid.
_ Cl~~k instru~~ec~ to ~i~e P. C. F~y. Eo~. asking that R. R.
~rossing sign be made c~f` neat appearanee.
No further bu~ine~~ appearing and upon motion the meeting
was adjQUrned.
~ I
~TTE;ST t . Q, '
C ty 1 I~ayor ~ _