Minutes 1940-03-06 ~86 ~
. ~
~rroyo Grande, Calif
. Ci7
~arch 6, 194a ~
. ~
Cfty Cc~unc,i7. ~net in re~lar ses~ian with ~yo~ S.
Gibsan in the ebair.
tTpon r411 calk, Couneilmen! Phillip~~ Seh~yr~er and ~Yhitlock
reported prese~t. Ab~e~t nn~se.~
Minutes of pre~ious me~tir~g reac~ aY~d -apprav~ed a~ read.
Communieations reaci ~rnti or~~red° p~.aced on Pile. -
Councilman ~chnyaer appr~inted ta inve~tigate' and buy~ ~rater
heater for CiL~r house at water we23s.
~ir. ~eo. ~endt*i~ apPeared a~d askec~ if the City had fi~een
notiPieci af
- a~ ae~~:cn t~eir~ taken- an his~ applicatzon Far '
ta^ansfer of liquQF 1i~ense. Nane having been reeeived, the
G1~rk was instructed t~a write the State Boa~d and 'try and
~t~eertain ~v~3at had been done.
The following notice of Ele~tion was read, approved ~nd
ordered published in the Her~al-d ~.eco~de~*.
N(3TrCE ~F fiLE~TI01~t.
Notice is hereby~ given that, a General ~~unicipal ~c~~~ticn will
b~ held ~n the Ci~~r ~P ~.rroya Granc~~~, on Tu~sday~ the Ninth day
oP ~pril, 1q40 for the fallc~wi.ng .c>fPicers.c
Thre~ ~c~une il~en - _ - Full Term
On~; Ci ~3~ ~lerl~ _ , _ .r ul I 'j ~rm ;
C3ne City `.~reasur~er - - F~l]. Term ,
Th~r~ will be-ane ~oti~ p~e~in~t far th~ purga~e oP` holding
said ele~tion, e4~~istin,~- the consolidat:~c~n° ~f the regular
eleetion pre~ir~e~s esta~li~hec~ ft~r= holdfng ~tate and County
ele~tions as fa~lc~ws:. Ccrnsalidated vo°tfng pre~inct eomprising
State and Ca~nty precinc~s numbers Arroy~o Gr~~e~ One~ ~~wra and
T'hree and t,2~e .polling plae~ t~erea~ shaZl be ~~-:~h~e ~x~oya Gr~nde
C i ty ~..II .
The polls ~ill be apen bet~~en- the hvurs c~~' 8: ~t7 clack A. ~d.
and 7:a0 p'cloc~ P.
The foll~win~ named p~~sa~r~rs ha~e- been duly appointed as eleetion
offieer~$ for the holding and eonductix~g said El~ction~ name3.~:
INSPECTOR ° ° - - ~ - D~,~n*tle -8ailey
u~~ E,c~ia D~, S~hi I li ng
Clerks _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ Agnes Er~os and ~nnetta ~h~,tlock .
In all par~i~ul~rs suc~,ele~~ion $hall be held aud eonduCted
in the manner. providec~ fa~ ~he hv~~dir~g-and ean~:uctfing oP
~iunicipal election~.in said City a~d in accar~ane~ w~th the Laws
of the State of ealif
ornia appd,icable ther~ta.
Date~ thi~ bth. d~y af i~arch 19~t7 ;
B. ~ineau, City 'Cl~rk. .
`~'he compensatioz~ tQ be paid the e1~'~#~n ofP'i~ers Por th~e
Gener~l ~~unicipal Eleetion to be held April 9th was di~~tzsse+d and
and ordered fixed at the s~m a~' $5,4~ each.
Claims again~t the Gen~~*$1 Fund in th~ amour~t oF ~1291.3~, the
'~~ater Fund in the amc~unt of $ 5~9 • 3 and the Special Gars Tax.
Stz~eet I~~, F'ur~d in t~re ~csunt o~" ~4b.1~ were audf`tedr app~oved and
orc~~red ~aaid. .
No furt;:.er b~siness appearing and upon motion the meeting
v~as ad journed.
. ATTEST : , '
~ _
~C~t C er~k . r
~ ~