Minutes 1940-03-20 18'~ . Arroyo Grande~ ~alifc~rnia ~ard~ 2C3, 194p City Coun~il met ~.n z~eg~talar° session ~ith Ddayar v. S. Gihson in the chai~. tlpon roll t~ll Councilmen Phillips, ~ehnyder and `~~Jhitloek reported p~e~~nt. Absent none. T~iautes of prev~;ous m~eting r~ad and ~?~prove~. ~:s rea~ci. Ce~mmuni~ati~o~s read and c~rcie~ed' Piled, ~ttarney R. Van '~orm~~ r~parted t~at he had made settl.ement with CIli~'f`ord Crampt,an on his delinqtzer~'~ yvater biil in the amount og ~b.6~. Balance af said delinquent bill vve~s ordez°ec~ g$$~eZled. ~:oved seec~n~d~d and re~larly carried that Clerk caneel licenaes nu~bers~ 2$tJ~ - 2$2b ~ 2835, due to tbe Paet that they are not eol~ect~ble. ~,loved! seGOn~.ed ~nd regularly carried that delinquent taxes against Ross ~~i~~c~~r be c:aneelecT due to the faet that said tax was levied a~~i~st a roadws~y. ~~oWed, s~cd~d~r3 and regu~rly carried that Charles Theland~r be appoint~d ta the City Cc~uncil to fill the unexpired term oP $en D. Conrad. Claim against the ¢~ater Fund in the amount vf ~7.~~~ audited~ aPProved and ord~x~ed: paid. No Pur~ther busi~ess appearing anc~', motion the meeting waa adjourned. . a ATT~STs . ~ ? i ty C le ~aypr . Mrroya Grax~de, Calif. April 3~ 1940 City Council met inr~gular session with ~iayor J. S. Gib~on in the chair. T.,~nutes read and approved a$ read. Communications read and ordeFed placed on file. ~r. Charles '1'helander too~€ Oath of Offie~ to compTet~ th~ balance of unexpired te~m of ~~n D. Conrad. P~oved~ seeanded and carri~d that Ci~y purchase two car~ of raek to mix with ereek gravel for sidewa.lks. . i~ was deeideel to run an 18" parkway on ~elsan St. tY•om Short ~t. to ~:son St., to conform ~rith the b~.lan~e of the ~t;reet. ~?lso that curi~ line o~' ~ho~t Street fz~om N~Tson to Poole be pl~eed as ~pecifferi in Ci~y Ordinan~e regulating plaeing of eurb lines. ~ovea, seeonaea and ~arrieei that City Hire Paul `j'arbax as chainman at $3.~0 per day. . It was decided to coopeFate with High ~chooi in progressing r~t.~t. the roek wa1T whieh ~h~y would like ~,~,put in. I~oved~ seconded and earried that '~ater C3~rk caneel bi11s against ~oe Leiter as s~m~ are une~lleetable. Ci~y Attorney instructed to amend lieense (}rc~inanee relative to Laundry trueks. Claims against the General Fund in the amount aP ~ 793.3~ and the ;~ater Fund in the amount of ~;44Ep.74 ~ere audited; approved and ordered ~ paid. ~ro Further business appearing and upan mation the meeting ~ras ad~j ourned. ATTEST: ~ ~ l City lerk. - or ~