Minutes 1940-04-17
~~o ~
~4rroyo Grande~ Cafif. ~
~prii 1~, 194EJ
City Council met ir~ regul~r session with ~aya~ S.
Gibson in the chair.
Upon roll ca11 Counci~men Schnyder, Thelander and tNh#.tlock .
reported present. Cc~uncilman Phillips abs~nt.
~ ~inutes of pre~ioua mee~in;~ ~nd o~' speeial' meeting read
and approved a~ read.
Newly eleet~d o#'fic~rs ~ere sworn in with the e~€eption
oP Cauncilman Phillip~s who was absent.
Communications read ar~d ard~red filed. -
Crdinanee ~ 6~ resrd for the first time.
~Nater Superintendent instructed to- order l~~a' of` ;3/4"
, PiP~'
Claims against the General F'urxi in the amount of $219.92
and the water fund in the amount ~f $431.~ were audited~ ~
approve~:and ordered paid.
,~nnual City clean up per~4d set From ~ay Ist~ to llth. irr-
clusive. City ~ill 1~au1 weeds and grass placed on curb.
~:oved by Councilman ihelande~, 2nd. by Councilm~n ~hitlo~a~~~
motion carri~d, that 'r~. Ro~~zaY~n be appai~ted assistant
water superinter~den~ at a salary af $115.00 per month.
~;oved, seconded and ea~rried th~t B. Mineau be appointed
as P. A. projeet supe~isar Por the City for the balance
of the sidewalk? Sts. and cur~i ~nd gutt~r project at a salary
~to be determined later.
l~To further business appearing and upon motion the m+~eting
was adjourned,
~TTEST : ~ . W ~ ~
,/'~~~~m~ City le ay