Minutes 1940-05-01 1~-~~ , ~z^royo Grande, ~~l if . ~ay 19~ City Council met i~ regular sessior~ with I~ayar S. Gibson in the ehair. Upon roll ea11 Councilmen Phillips, ~c~nyder, r~helander and ~~hitlock repor~ec~ pr€~er~. ~bs~nt nane. ;~in~tes - o~ previous meet3ng rea~ and approved as r ead. Couneilman Phillips~~ ~vha was a~s~t at the la~t regu~aY' meetir~g~ and who ~s elected to txie offiee for anather term was sworn in. Communiea~tiar~~ read and ordered fi~ed. ~ group o~' p~operty o~mers liv°ing on Le Point S~. aPPeared to protest ag~rinst the reeent cr~t whieh har been made in front of their proper~.p in preparation for side~ralks which will be installed shortly. Protest was disc~rssed at leng~h but no aetion taken. xcting upon protest af local eitizens, the Council unanimously approved the p~inting fn.the lo'cal pa~~r-oP a notic~ off~ring a reward of $10.00 for in~ormation leadin~ to sonvirtion of any parties g~,~ilty of turni~g in a Palse fire alarm. ORDINANCE ~ 6~ - ~N ORDII~TANCE, A~~ENI~ING' S~CTIOR' 13 of ORIIINA1~tCE Nt1MBER 22 ~ ~ELt~TING T~ LIC .N~E TAX '~:5, P,~SSED ANp ~DOPTEI3 ON THE ~`I~"TH D,~IY OF ~~~AY, 191}~. Passed and adoptec~ ~y the following vote on roll ~aII: AYESs Councilmen, Gibson, Phillips, Schnyder, Thelande~ and ~~~hitlock. ~.?OES: Nor~e. . ABSENT. None. Clairas ag~inst the ~eneral Fund in the amount oF ~1526.9q and the ~ater Fund in the amount oP ~~55.4~ were audited, approved and ardered paid. Upon mation by Counc~lman Sehr~yder, mation regularly seconded. and eai~ried ~hat R. B, ~~neau be appoz~ted to laok for a second hand dump tr~ck to be used fo~ City ~ork. I~To further business appearing and upon motion the me~ting was adjourned. ~-r~ . :iTTEST: Cityl 1e ayoz~. ~ ; ~ i