Minutes 1940-05-15 ~~2 ~ ~ c°~. ~ ~ ~a€~u~~..~ m~t in regula~r s~~sian wit~ ~~tt~r d.~.~T~sa~: ~ e:s~:c~:i:~g.~ ~g~ r~I.Z ~aII ~`o~n~i~e~ ~hiIlig~ ~~la~k~ ~S~h~d~ aEnd Th~a€~ ~eg~rt~ci pres:er~t.~~rse~ti. acut~t . ' ~tes of pr~~€-io~~ me~timg reaci ~a~i agproved as read. ' ~omr~~nic~tion~ r~ad anr~ ar~ered ~laeed on file. ' ~arious problemn.s c-onnected ~ith tn~ ~~de~alk ~pravernent Fra~e~t ~cere dise~tssec~ Iength but r~a motions made and no ~iefinite action ~akerr. ' ~ouriciZ ex,~r~~ses aPAroval to ~.H.~tineau f'ar Y~.is F~ridSing ; a~ c~eal ~t~ purch~s~ u~ed: L~rd I~p '~ru~~ ~'~r ~it~~ ~ork. ' N'a f~rtb:er b~r~ines~ ~ppearir~g ana upou motio~ ~the m~e~i~g ' was e~j ourne~. ' , , I ~TT .F.~fi. , ~ O" GG~ ~ : ~La;~ (~L',- . ;