Minutes 1940-06-05 . 1~~ ~ra~~ e~~ a~~ ~s ~~a ~o~ne~~ m~~ ~n ~egct~~ se~~ic~n r~ith ~1tc~r .i .S:.~ibs~n pre~iai~€g.~gor~ ral~ ~~ll ~auncilm~:rt Fh~llips~~h~,y`c~er~ a~nd ~ie~~ur~.~r r~par~ed pr~se~t.~ser~~. ~oun~ilr~an ~~iitlc~e~. ~~u~te~ Q~ previc~~s me:et~ag re~ci a~r~d ~~proved as read. ~o communieations af imgort,anee hav~ng ~een received ~ince ~e pre~i.o~s ~QUnc~~ meeting r~a readir~g of s~me was requ~~d. R.B.~ne.~~ ~€~t. wri.th the ~a~n~il and t,.~e~ dis~c~aecT th~ . sub j ec t c a~e ern~n~ th~ s~Il.ary he is to ree e iee a~s ~ener~I Sri~t.~n t~ie ~.F«~.Sid~:wra~Il~ F'r~je~t no~ be~~g earried cs$. ~pQn mat~an ~o~t~.e~~n ~iel~at~~r~se~Qnded hy~ ~c~~n~~T~arr Fh~Ltigs and e~rried ~rit~iaut c~ssenti~g ~c~te it u~s ~gx~eed t.Y~t the s~I~ry a~ ~.~~D~~.r~ea~u s~t a~t ~~.QQ ~er.mc~nth ~ori the durs~tia~. of the Si.dew€al~ ~or~. ~ ge~~a~~ dzs~~rssion on ~he g~r~ a~~ the ~aune~~ result~ed f'rot~ cert~in complaints tl~at ha~e k~een received e~ne~rning v~Y~t are termec~ nu~.~a~e~ g~ddl.er~.~'he ~~t~y ~ttc~rney ~ras ~nall.X requested to invest~ga~te ~ ~rdin~~ee ~oo~~g to the a~ratement o~ thi~ nuisan~e. ~Ia~;i.ms ~~ain~~. the ~er~er~I ~d in the ~mc~~z~~ of' ~ and th~ ~~r ~ad: ~s the ~ou~s~ a~ ~4~ . ~ r~ere a~udited~~pgr~ved anci ordered p~ic~. ffio f~~er~l~s~ges~ appearin~ and upon motion the meet~ng ~ra~ ~djc~~zrned. ~~t~est• W . " t~ I;er . 1~~c~rr.