Minutes 1940-06-19 ~94 ~ ~ ~ ~rr~yc~ ~r~de! ~al~~~ ~ dt~~ ~ I~~~ . ~~.t~y~o~~il. met iu reg~lar session ~ith Na.~~r d«s.~~b~son gresidin~. '~gc~n ro-~~ ~~I.I ~c~~ne~Tme~ P~l~gs i~t~.o~k ~~~nyder agd ~:el~nder r~parted preseat.~bs.eut nQn~. B~i.nutes ~f pr~via~s meeting re~ci a~nd apgro~eci as ~e~~i. ~Q~~*~, catians ~ead anc~ c~rdere~ plaeed c~n ~tle. ~ar the f'i.rst t~e ~s reasi a:n arciinance wl~ich if adc~pted w~1Z ~aear t~ie num~_er ~~.2his ~s ~erz~r~lly knc~~em as the ~reen River t~rdinan~e and was ~ubmitted Uy the ~~ty ~~~orney in snswer to a request Uy tfie ~auncil. a~, the last regular,meetin~ P~r an additianat che~k on nui~ance peddlers. ~pcu~. mo~:.iQn Uy ~oun~ilman Schnyder,mation reguiarly secanded ~nd: carried that the ~ater Dept.arder a few n~cessary hydr~nt.s. tTpan mation by t~auncilman Ph~.llips and seconded ~y ~o~zneilman ~fii~Sock the ~ity ~ouncil un~nimously oraered that B.E.~n,g be appoin~ed ~ity ~rebasir~ ~gent gor both a~ater and General Z~epts. L~pon mo'ti on L~y ~aunc i Iman ~chnyder i~ wa s regularly mo~ed se~vnd~d and carried that th~ Ci~y ~ouneil ~uthorize the Ameriean Legion ta use the ~i~y F`ire Siren f or emergency ptz~pose~ . ~he CQr~neil ins~cted the ~'i~y eZerk to prepare tar the next regczlar mee~in~ on ,~u;Ly ~t~. a~ Iis~ c~P' ~ity ~icenses rema~ning cielinqr~ent an tha~~ date . I~. ~ regularly movedt ~e~onded and passed without dissen~ing vot~ a salary w~€rran~ i~ar R.S.~neau gor ~wa manths as ~pt. af Sidewalk cons~ru~tian 1~e paid at r~ate agreed ta at last, ate~~.ing af the ~ouncil. ~udi~.ar Tr~esd.~Ie being present pres~nteci his annual repor~ and upon m4tion regulari;~ mo~ed and seeonded the ~ouneil ordered t~a~ this repc~rt be ~ppro~red and accepted. ~Tgon motion by ~ounc~Ima:n PhiZl~ps~,seconded Ly Couneilman ~~tloek afld passed by ~he ~ounci~ ~tho~zt dissenting vate ~t ~as ordered ~h~t th~ ~i~Gy ma,ke repairs an any priva~e s~wrer Iines ~hg~ sfiauld b~ damageci as a resul~. of the `~.P.R.Sidewalk. ~rork. ~ cl~ilu agains~ the G'eaer~3. ~`und tn the amount of ~p.~Q ~ras ~udt~.ed,approved a~nd ardered paid. l~o Y'ur~her husiness appeari~ and tipon mation the meeting was adjourned. , , ~TTY . ~R. ,