Minutes 1940-07-03 J
~a~~, ~~i~~,
. a~~ 3~
~it~ ~oun~i.I me~ in r~gu2~r s~~€~on ~ayc~r s.~.~i~san
IIpon ral~. ca~Il ~ocza~flmen ~hi3.I.fps~~~itlack~:~~nycier and
TI~el~nder regart~ed pres~ut.~s~r~~ r~ane.
~ir~utes a~' pre~i.ous meet.fifing read and ~~roved as read.
~~.eatio~ r~~d a~nd ardered placed on Pile.
The Gciunei~ ins~ie;ted ~~e E:Ierk to can~re~ to ~.Iie Parade
I~ir~c~or af the 5anta ~arb~r~ ~oc~nt~ ~~.r ~t a~nt~ ~~aria t.~eir
apgreciation for ~i~.s invit:ati on ~o a~ter~d the Fa~r and to rfde
- ~a~ the Qpeni~g PSr~de.The Farade g~rectar ~ra~ a~Iso ~.a ~e irs~'c~rmed
tbat sever~l members oF ~he ~o~ncil e~pec~ci ta be on ~aad to
avai.l t.hems elves o f~hi s i uvi t,ati on.
BE IT' RESDi.k~ B~' ~AE ~f)~Jl~'~:IL C}F' THE ~~'I'~~ C3:~` ~LRRE~Y~
~E A~ RC1~,t~.
~e ~i~ a~ ~r~a~rv ~raac~e her~b~ ae~ept.s the delivery
d~ t~PL&III deed da~.ec~ Juae 26~Z~4a.~ade and e~ec~tted hy ~`arie
~tos and Joe ~ntoa~h~r husba~d~to the ~t~y QE".~rroya Grande~
cor~veying ta th~: s~icl ~~t~ pc~rtian af Blo~k IE?I Qf' the Bec~etts
~rown Hi1Z. S~1~ivisic~a a$ci here~y ce~nsents ~a the re~orda~Cia~
t~hereo~ b t~e ~c~nt~r RE~c~rder of° the ~punty a~ San ~~s Qbi$p~
Sta~~e aF s?2ifarnia..
~asaed a~d adapted ~y the f allov~ng vQte an roll ca1Z.
~ye~ - eo~nciln~en ~~bs~a}P~?ilTigs!'~IIhi~I.~ckxS~~r~rder ~nc1
~'aec~ - ~Q~~..
~b~e~t ~o~e.
~I1~1~E ~ E~i
~ az~d~nance generaZly re~ered ~o as tihe Gree~ Ri~ter Qrd.inanee~
~n ~rdi~ance grohibi~i~ goir.~ in arsd ~pon priv~te
residences by sal~citors~peddlers=hau~kers~itineran~ merchants and
transienL v~ndor~ of inerchand~se and providing penal~ies for the
e~al~t~vn t~herea~.
~ ~a~~ed and: adoptd by ~he followiz~g vo~e an rel~ eall.
~~re~ - ~our~cilmen Gibson~Fhillipa~Y~it.Iael~lS"c~c~er and
~oes ~Ioue.
~ibseat ~axte.
l~ mation introdueed by ~a~neilman ScY~yder and secenderT by
~onn~ilm~n PhiZl~ps and providing f~r one additional Fire Hyc~rant
near the East ~ity L~,mi~s wras una~m~~r~Iyr gasse~ b~r the Co~ncil:.
Cla~iioas aga~tnst~ th~ ~ener~I ~tind in ~e amount of ~ I~'g~.8~
and the Yo~ter F~nd ~n th~ ~moun~ af` ~ 44~.~~ ~rere acxdited a~ppraved ,
Snd ordereci p~~d.
No further b~d~~ne.~~ appearfr~g and ~pon mo~ian t,he meeti~
uras ~.d~j ourr~ed «
t~''1'~ES~. • .
~ ~ ~