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Minutes 1940-07-17
196 ~ c.~ ~ ~I'~o~t~ ~d2= G8~.f1"s ~ ~`ctTY' ~ I~ • ~it~r ~o~.ci~ met f~ ~eg~~r ~i~h li~ar ~ .S.~f~ac~~ p~e~id~r~g. Llga~ ral~ ~~u~i~e~ P~f~~g~,~i~,IocI~~S~~c~~ s~ ~.e~ader~ ~egort~ ~~~est.~e~t ~~te~s c~~` gre~€ic~s ~e~t.ing re~d ar~d a~pproved ~s r~. ~~~3.ce~~o~ r~d anci ~rdered p~Iaeet~ on Pi~e. ~pan ~o~a~ ~ ~c~nef~mart ~e~anriee~~ seeanc~ed ~~r ~az~eil~a ~L~ack ~h~ ~aun€i~ ~maus~~g m4~ed ~t t.~e ~it~ ~t~arae~ be inst.rueted t~ ~ac~k tQ t.h:e c~ra~r~ri~ up a~ ~ ner~ c~r~din~nce ~or the P~'Pa~e oP ~n~nding Sectia~ ag Urrciin~nce ~2. ~e gurpase of - t.h~~ ~m~adment heirag to simpli~ and imgrove the proeedure used ~or tbe ~olleetian oP ~it,g ~a~es. The ~ounei~ iu~~ructeci i~ter Sugt.. H.F.E~ing ~o ~rrange fQ~ ~°ac~t~io~ da~.es Par the ~~~t.er I~egt. ~mplayeee. ~ c~~im ag~nst t.he ~eaera~ L~ac3 ir~ ~he s~maunt o~ ~.E~Q ~s ~uci~.itt..eed,~a~pproved and ordered p~~d. ~irthe~ t~~~ne;s~ ~ppea~iz~g snd ~pan regt~Iar ~a~.iaa ~e ~eet.ing Wc~s ad~ ~.t~ned. _ ~~~~.~,(~,?.(J' _ . ~ . ~a~. . . .