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Minutes 1940-08-07
- i Q ' ~ V~ . ATrE~~t! .7C~t'BFItiE } ~81i~'s ~s ~~~a• ~~ty ~o~eil_ me~ i~ reguZa~ sessiar~ ~ith ~tayc~r ~T.~. ~i~s~ gresidirtg« t~pon rolZ Cc~n~ilmen ~:lligs~~itl€~~k a~td ~~hn~de~ - , r°eported presertt.l~bsen~: Ca~neilm~n Thel~nder. ~nutes of grevi.o~s mee~ing read ar~d agpro~ed ~s regd. There wrere n~ communieatians ta ~e read a~t this ffieet~ng. The ~ouneil inspeeted anci disc~rssed a~ sample c~~ a~ ~ev~ Ta~ f3rciinaIIC e~s cirav~cn ~p b~ the C~ty t~t~arney .~'Iii s ordinanc e was s~~mitted ~n answer to a r~c~es~ t~~ the ~it~ ~QUneil a~ , th~ regular meeting o~ July I'~y Ig40.t~fter some diseussion it ~a~ the unan~maus judg~ent, o~`the ~QUncil tfiat th~s new tax ~ ordinanee be tabled ar put aside ~or the present. ~Ipan motion ~y ~QUne~~mar~ ~ehnyder ~fie ~ouneil ~nanimously vated tI~at the ~T.erk r~ques~ tfie City l~ttc~rge~ to pr~pare ~ ~artarium E~rdinanee mQdeled along the Iines of the c~~e th~t e~pired in ~pril. af ~ ~~3~. ~ rev~ie~€ ~cas made a~ a~ Iis~ of" unpaici ~~t~r 3~i~enses:.~a~~ c~~ these had di~continueci ~usiness and had ma~r~d away fram the . ~it~,p « ~3gan motias ~ry ~a~.zneilma~ ~ehnyder, se~onded byr ~o~zncilma~r ~~itl.a~~ the ~i~Gy ~auneil ~oteci ~ithaut c~is~en~, ta eancel Zieens~s 1~o.283Q;28~~,Zg~~f2g~`2;2g88;~6t~.~3a2a,3E~43 ~a~d ~t~~i~." Upon m.otiQn by ~~ur~ei3:ma.n ~ai~'hitlo~~ secanded ~y ~ouneilma~. Schnyder the ~ity ~ouncil unan~ma~rsly vated that a~uri~ aud gtz~ter imgrovement tae construeteci on th~ Saetth side of VaZIe~ Road~f`rom T~af~~c +~ay tc~ ~rrv~c~ ~€~e« . ~laims against the General ~`unci in tfie amount of ~Z~IE.~I and #;h~ i~ater ~`und in the amount of' ~~'~~.~5 u~ere aud~tec~~ ; approved and ardered paid. ' ~'o fu~ther ~usiness appearing and upan motion the meetin~ i'~ was ac3 j o~rn.ed ~ ' AT'TE.~t'T. ~.(I • W' G~ ' ty rk • ar. i._ ,I ~ I ~98 ~ ~ ~~~a c~ae, . ~ 1 ~g~ . ~~t~ ~ouncil me~ in regular se~sion ~ith ~ayor ~.S.~ibson p~ e~ idir~g . ~pQa r~II ea11 ~o~ncilmen PhfLtips~~itl.ackl~e~der ~nd The~ander reparted present..~bsent nane. l~i~~es a~ previaus mee~,~ng read and approved as r~gc~. ~a~nication~s read and erdered placed an file. Qrdinan~e ~ 6~ caneelir.~ d~linquent g~naZLi~s anclb casts Qa delinqaent f.a~e~ ~as read for the firs~ tim~. ~Isi~ ag~ins~ th~ ~ener~ F~~nd in the amoun~ of' $~~i.QQ w~re az~dit~ci~appro~red ~nd ord~~ed pa~c~. ~~er ciise~ssic~r~ arnd upon motion by ~au~ci~man ~c~d~r~ secanded b~r ~ouacilman ~ht~..I.ocT~ i~ cinanimo~sly vQted b~ the ~ aunc i 2~hat fi~e Cap i ta2 f'~it~ag F~nd he raf s~d ~ o$~Q~l . t~Q b~r tfie sddt~ion of` ~ I~F~~.~I ts~ken a~~ a~ f,~~ General ~i~u3. ~Tpon mation ~g ~aunc~Iman ~he~ander~secanded ~g ~o~ei~.man ~h~rd~r t.he Cit~ ~o~ncfl agreed xitho~~ dissenting vo~e tc~ ,grant ~ I.ieense ~.c~ ~i.F.~ohason to cc~n~c~ danees s.~ the I~D.~.S. SaI.2.. detailed dis~t~ssion ~ra~ beld by ~e Couacil conce~n~ng the t~u~Iding ot' t~e ston~ wra~I~ a~s well gs some other ghtses o~ t,~e ~,I~..~.Imprave~ent Pro~ec~.~~ Nraa r~~Ta~Z~r moved~seconded and pgssed ~a~ ~.S.lVdineau Le a~thQrized ~ ma3ce ar~r chs.nges in s tde~Ik Iev?e~s on Cra~rn HiII tha~ may agpea~ nec essaz~.Ih~ring tbis diBCUSSion it ~as regtzlar~„y a~greed ~Q make Pour ~eet the standard heigb.~#` far ~he s#.one walls to be erected an the hill a~t tY~e wes~ end of Hrancb St. Recess dee~ared Par the purpas~ c~~` taking ~p the dutiea o~ ~ Bosrd Q~ ~c~ali~a~ion. r Board reconaenes ~ Hoard of "~i~:ste~s far the purpose c~f s etti.n,g ~h.e f~ax rate ~or the coming gear..~Pter du~ deltber~tiQn and ~pon ffiotfon i~ wras decideci ~..o set tIie falla~ing rate. G~neral ~€nd - - - - ~~.f}Q ~e~~r Bona - - - - - - -.~Q . Sr~dg~ Hc~ad _ _ _ _ _ _ .2a Capi~a~ f~u~Ia~y - - - - --.~Q ~ot~I. ~~e ~~f3 ~i.cI~ fs d~c3.ared ~ b~ t~he ~ ra€te for ~uz~ren~ year I~4Q-~I an. each It~.E~ c~~ ~e~~Raticrn. _ ~tc~ ~irther ~usiness apgeari~g aud ~poa mation ~e m~eting ~ ~s ~d j ot~rned, 1 (~I ~T~ • • ~ ~ ~ '~~f" @I`$ ~ OIs 4~~~'~r, ~ - ~ .