Minutes 1940-10-02
Arrayo Grande~ ~ali~.
E~t. ~a 144d.
~ity ~ounci2 met in reg~lar sess~.Qn.B~yor Gibson beirig
absent the Coune~l ~na~imousl~ moved that Councilman Phi~.l~ps
be appointed acting Mayor.
t~gon roll ca23 Couneil.men Pbillips, ~~hitloek~Se~yder
ancl ~hel.s~ncier repo~ted present.Absen~G ~ror Gibson.
~i~t~s af previa~xs meeting read ~.nd appro~red as read.
There were II4 COII1~2A~,CStfQIlS to be read at ~his meeting.
The attention of ~he Co~neil was cal2ed tQ the fact tY~at
a~ring to a elerieal error tax bi1Z ~ 6~3 w~s ~ncorre~tly made
out.IIpon mation by Councilmaa Schn3rder seeonded by ~ouncilman
'I'helander the Council mov~d wif.ho~tr dissent to eancell ~his
tax bilZ.
~ The ~ounci~ insf~.reted Street Supttfl.E.Ewi~g ~to install
f'ouz' eQrr~gated ~alv~aai~ed et~lv~rts an Ta~~~ho 5t.~hese c~lverts
to be I2 Pt. by ~ ft. 5up~.Ewing ~ra~ advfsed to First ,~e~t priees
c~n these euZverts aad if neeessar~ to ca2~ f
or b~ds.He ~ras also
ardered to see abot~t a~ other ~uiverts ~.h~~ might be needed on
thi~ road.
In vie~r Qf t,he rising cost of ineta~ gaods the ~o~nez.l
advised 5ugt. ~ing ~ Ic~ak ab.ead and to arder in advane~ az~y
supplies af t,,~a kind that might b~ needed in t~.e near f~itwre.
Clai:ms a,gair?st the ~enera2 Fund in the amo~at of ~ I442.3~
, and the `~ta~er Fund ~n the amot~nt oP $ 22I4.2€~ were atzdi~ed~
apgrQVed ~i ordered paid.
~Q f~Zrt~her business appearirXg ffi'lE~ tIPQA F~Qt~C)A the me~tin,~
~vas ad j otirn~d.
AT'I'ES~ ~ - ~