Minutes 1940-10-16
~02 ~
Arroyo Grande~ ~alif.
Q~~. I~i ~ ~~4C?.
Cit~ ~ounc~Z met tn regular sessi~n ~rith ~ayar~ ~.S.~ibs~n
~Tpc~~ roll caZl ~o~t~.c~lmea PIi~~I~~~~`~i~.Iaek,~eI~~€der anc3
T~ela~d:er reported present.Abs~~~ r~c~n~.
~incztes af
prev~a~s meeting read and ~-apprcaved as read.
~o~~,nieations read and ardered plaeed on fil.e.
~ Zong discussian a~~` the ~.P.~,. Pro j ee~ was held but no
ciefir~i~e d~cis~an wras reach~d.
R.B.~,ineau was ~nstructed to eontac~ t~e proper S~a~e
Highv~ay d~~`ici.a~~s v~ith ~ vieu~ tc~ arrange fc~r the s~rfac~ing of`
Branch and Bridge ~tree#.~. ~
THe ~ouneil went ~r~ re~ord as f~.voring increasit~g the water
minim~m f'rom $~f} eubic f
eet tct iE7QQ ~ub~e feet and redt~eing the
rate an the nex~ I~~Q ta f
i~teer~ eer~ts per I0~ cc~bie ~`eet.
~I~ims aga~r~s~ ~he ~enera~I ~`ur~d in the amount af ~2~.7~
we~e audi~d~apgroved and_ordered g~id.
~o ~~rth~r brzs~n~ss appearing ~nd uporr mo~ion the meeting
~r:s ~d~ atzrn.ed.
~T'~~ . ~ ` ~ G2~
~I`~ ~ . ~YC'~R.